Ch. 2

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(Y/N) Pov: 

I was laying on the sofa, one arm hanging limply off the edge of the sofa, my other resting over my stomach. I had the lights turning off in the large living room, trying to mind my own business. 

I hissed in pain when the lights turned on suddenly, trying to block out the light with my arm. 

I heard the sound of footsteps walking over to the sofa, stopping just behind it. 

I moved my arm slightly so I could see who it was. 

My older brother, Hacker, was standing over me, a look of concern and confusion evident on his face. 

“What do you want Hacker? Can’t you see that I’m trying to wallow in sorrow in peace?” I asked, mildly angered.

Hacker began using sign language. I had no choice but to see what he had to say. 

I sighed when he finished. 

“No Hacker. I lost a boyfriend, although I’m actually glad he broke up with me because he’s a jackass, but I ALSO lost my job just a day later!” I said, sitting up and glaring at him. 

Hacker did some sign language. 

“Ugh, I don’t know. This was the tenth job I lost. And you wanna know the juicy bit? Alastor didn’t fire me because not only I’m part Exterminator, but because I’m nearly as powerful as he is, and he doesn’t want me to ‘overthrow him’ as most feared demon in Hell with a human soul!” I said angrily, growling as I remembered exactly what the Radio demon had said. 

Hacker patted my shoulder in comfort with one hand, using sign language with the other hand. 

“I guess I just lay around and do nothing. I really don’t want to rush into getting another job” I say. 

We may be demons in Hell, but we still need to do our part and work to keep Pentagram city, and all the other cities in Hell, running. 

Hacker thought for a moment before snapping his fingers, getting an idea. 

He did some sign language, smiling. 

“Uhhh...I don’t know Hacker. Working for Channel 666 News is gonna be pretty difficult. I mean, it’s a fast paced job already, working for the media. But going to work for Alastors biggest rival in Hell after getting fired from the Radio Demon's Radio Station just doesn’t seem right. It makes me seem...pathetic, and desperate” I say, unsure. 

Hacker began saying something in sign language, but the sound of the front door opening and closing quickly drew our attention. 

We both looked up and saw our father walking quickly into the room, smiling. 

“(Y/N), I know you’ve just been fired from your previous job...again….but I think I know the perfect job you could work!” said dad, walking over to the sofa I was sitting on. 

“What is it dad?” I asked, a little unsure to hear the answer. 

“As you know, Boss Enterprise, Hells biggest tech advanced company, is hiring a new spy. They’re in desperate need of one, and the first soul they hire will get an immediate raise to First Class Spy. I thought that since you’re part Shadow demon, you would be perfect for the job! And I know how you’ve always wanted a job that’s more exciting than organizing files and paperwork” explained dad, sitting beside me on the sofa. 

Hacker’s face lit up, nodding his head in agreement. 

“A spy…? Hmmm….I like it!” I say, smiling. 

Tom Trench × reader {Behind the Mask}Where stories live. Discover now