Supernatural (POTS, EDS)

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You had been staying with Bobby for the past few years. You aren't able to hunt for the last couple if them due to some unknown health problem that had you in s wheelchair most of the time. It's not that you couldn't walk, it just wasn't safe anymore with all the passing out you did. So now you did research for Bobby and whoever called.
 Bobby talked about a lot of hunters but not the same way he talk about the Winchester brothers. As much as he'd say they were trouble he would talk like they were his own sons and as you know family doesn't end in blood. So when he told you that they were coming by from somethings for a hunt you got excited to meet them. You were nervous they wouldn't like you or they'd think bad about you being in a wheelchair it's not like that hadn't happened before but Bobby told you they would and you trusted him.
  The next morning you got up before the sun like always it's something you couldn't stop doing from your hunting days. You started making breakfast like always for you and Bobby but made extra seeing as Bobby didn't say when the brothers would be coming. About halfway through your first cup of coffee you heard the door. You rolled over just out of sight and grabbed the gun from under your chair in the holster you had designed for it. Pulling it on the people who walked through the door you calmly asked " who the hell are you?" Ofcourse they were think the same thing and the short one asked the same thing when you did. After sitting there for a good minute you heard Bobby coming down the stair to see what was happening. When he was what was happening he said " y/n pit the gun down these are the Winchesters I thought I told you they were coming by today?" "Well you did but 1 you didn't say when and 2 how was I supposed to know what they looked like?"
   While all this was going on the brothers slowly walked into the house so they were no longer standing outside. They were confused as to who they woman was and why she was with Bobby. He hadn't said anything about her that either of them could recall but damn did she look good.
  "The names Dean sweetheart and this is my little brother Sammy" the shorter one said pointing to the taller one. "Well I think you've gotten little mixed up with big, but always I made extra breakfast so come on to the kitchen". As they followed her Bobby stopped the boys and quietly said "don't think of touching her, you boys are like my son's but I've seem her through to much pain already and I won't watch any more of it" and with that walk away leaving the two brothers wondering what she could have gone through and now more then ever who the hell is she.
   As the boys made there way to the table they sat down while y/n made thier plates, as she was getting ready to bring them to the table dean asked " are you sure you can bring them over here" and that made her blood boil. Bobby knowing better just sat back and watched while Sam looked genuinely concerned for his brother after seeing the look on her face but dean being oblivious just waited for her response. "Dean I could take you out in a few seconds flat so don't tempt me to prove it" yn responded with so much hate in her voice it almost scared Dean. Dean not thinking that she could just looked her up and down with a look of arrogance and disbelief that someone in her position could take him " Well honey I don't think you seem to realize who I am or what you are" he responded. yn looked at him with disbelief. How could this be the same man Bobby had told her about. Bobby having had enough of it looked at her seeing tears starting to form in her eyes just out his hands out for the plates know where she would be heading to. Bobby then looked at the boys and handed Sam his food then looked at Dean "you don't know what she has been through, now I warned you that I wouldn't have her hurting again and within the first 30 minutes of you being here you do just that. You call her a what and question her abilities to function." Bobby took a second to calm down "now I'll tell you two more things she was looking forward to meeting you both and you dean of watch your back. You don't know who your messing with" and as if to prove what he'd just said you could here a gun being fired outside.

After yn left the kitchen she went to her room to change out of her pjs into some regular clothes. That normally were black leggings or stretch flair pants because they were the most comfortable to wear in her wheelchair and a black shirt of some kind then maybe a baker or flannel. Today she decided to wear something a little more revealing. Luckily it was warm out this time of year so she put on her black highwasited cutoffs and a low cut black tank top with a bra that gave her just the right amount of cleavage. She threw her black and white flannel over the back of her chair and rolled to grad her favorite gun from her case. The gun had been a gift from Bobby when she first met him. He had come to visit her parents on her birthday when she was 10. Shed grown up living in a regular house but that didn't mean that trouble didn't find her. Of course it would her parents were hunters who kind of settled down going in hunts near where they lived some times taking her with them. She really doesn't remember much of her childhood but that's from the PTSD and what she does remeber isn't good. After shaking that from her head she went out and down the ramp that Bobby and her has built for her so she could come and go as she pleased. Rolling over to her shorting range shed set up she started to set up so she could shot out her anger like always. After going through more amo and tears then shed ever admit to she clean up and started to head inside looking up she noticed a face in the window watching her but continued her way inside.
   Now Sam being curious about yn watched her from the room upstairs. After watching her he was even more curious about this girl. Who taught her to shoot because she could sure out shoot dean and him combined? Why was she in the wheelchair? Why was she with Bobby and why had he never told them? With all these question running in his head he got a headache and decided he try and sleep it off. Finaly after what seemed like forever he feel asleep.
   Yn washed up and looked at the time noticing shed been outside all morning and afternoon she hurried to the study to ask Bobby what he wanted for dinner. Rolling inside she saw him and dean talking about the case and dean ofcourse bot knowing soaked the lore book shut and stopped talking as soon as she came in to the room. Bobby looking at him slapped him upside the head "boy if you don't quit fooling around she is really gonna shot you. Shed been at this just as long as you if not longer and she sure as hell is better." "Ok if she's so much better the yn, what are we looking for?" Rolling up to the table they were at and looking over then articles and notes they had set out she looked up at them "really you don't know, you dwelling with a rogue crossroads daemon. Now if that's all what do y'all want for dinner?"  Dean looking stunned "how can you tell you barely even looked at what we have?" "They were torn apart, ripped onto shreds. They were nobodies until 6 years ago then suddenly overnight they became huge success. Plus I know alot about daemons didn't Bobby tell you a thing about me?" Looking over at Bobby who just shook his head. "My last name is Keres." She says. Dean's face pales as he grows scared. He can only imagine what she's capable of. That last name is one most don't what to hear. It's said they descended from the goddess Keres the Greek goddess of violence and that only the women get to keep the last name. Suddenly the sound of wings are heard and just before a man pops in Yn pulls her gun on whoever or whatever it is. "Dean I sensed your fear what is wrong." The thing asks before looking at her strangly. "Yn put the gun away it's just Castiel he won't hurt you" Bobby shouts hoping Castiel won't hurt her. Slowly yn lowers her gun and puts it under her seat. "You are a Keres, I've never met one of you but they talk about you in Heaven." Castiel says "why are you in a wheelchair? I can sense something is wrong I can't figure out what it is but it's dark would you like me to heal you?" "Um" looking to Bobby to make sure she was safe, he nodsgiving her the ok she needs" you can try I guess?" Castiel walks I've and touched her head. Suddenly Castiel starts to glow bright making them all she is their eyes before he goes limp falling to the ground unconscious. "What the hell did you do to him Yn" dean shouts. "I-I I don't know. Bring him to the couch and bring me cool water and a rag." She rushes out. "NOW"! While the men were out of the room she goes over to the couch and whispers something over him not knowing that Sam had come down to see what was going on. Castiel surged forward then looked at her and started to thank her but before he could get the words out dean and Bobby rushed back in. "Don't do that again Cas you scared us. What happened to you man? Did you heal her?" Dean asked giving the angel a once over. Castiel looked at the girl who had pleading eyes hoping that he wouldnt say what happened " I am not sure what happened Dean but I could not heal her." Yn let out a breathe she didn't even know she had been holding in. She couldn't let Bobby and the boys know she just couldn't.

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