Supernatural (gastroparesis)

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You had just gotten back to your hotel room from the most recent crime scene. It looked like a simple salt and burn, a local girl had been murdered by her older brother about 100 years ago and now she decided that all older brothers just had to go. You took off you F.B.I. suit and put on jeans and a t-shirt so you wouldn't ruin another suit. Your last suit had formula all over it after your feeding tube opened while on a case. Grading your stuff you walked outside toward your car looking around you noticed a sleek black 67' Impala pull up with two unbelievably beautiful men. Realising that the blonde man caught you starring you hurried to your car. Deciding itd probably be a good idea to eat a little you went out to the local dinner before going to the cemetery. Looking at the menu was as always hard but at least you only needed your tube for supplemental nutrition. With all you dietary restrictions may wondered why you still hunted but this was what you grew up doing so you did your best. It definitely wasn't easy alot of veggies you couldn't eat, no berries, no seeds or nuts, but for sure the hardest was as little fat, grease and oil as physically possible. That last one you didn't listen to as well as you should. You finally decided on y/f/m. Hearing the door open you looked up to see the two men from earlier. They sat down in the booth in front of you. Listening to their conversation you heard them talking about your hunt. The tall one had his back to you but the blonde could see you a noticed you listening. Right before he said something the waitress sat down your food so you quickly trying to avoid these other hunters got to eating. The blonde intent on talking to you spoke up "how could you possible stay so skinny and still scarf food down like that" he asked you. Thinking for a second about whether or not to ignore him you answered "1 you don't ask a lady that that 2 my stomach is partially paralyzed" now it was your turn to ask the questions "What are you two boys doing in town I heard you talking about the murders?" The tall one finally decided to turn around at that and the blonde got up to come sit at your table. Ofcourse right before he sat down the local sheriff came in a saw you "Are these two bothering you Agent?" "No Sheriff Jones they were just leaving, weren't you boys." The men looked at each other then back at you then walked out of the restaurant. You finished your drink and then payed and left the restaurant seeing as the two men were no longer there you headed to the cemetery.  You got out of your car grabbing your shotgun, rock salt rounds, and lighter fluid then went off to find the grave. After what seemed like hours you heard two deep voices talking quietly that sounded oddly familiar, figuring it probably would be a good idea to listen you crept closer. Realising it was the men from the hotel and restaurant you stepped out just in time to shoot the ghost behind the men. They quickly pulled their guns on you thinking that you were shooting at them "put the gun down Agent this isn't what it looks like" the tall one said. "Well I sure hope it is because you need to torch those bones before that ghost comes back that just saved you from" you replied. The men look ed at each other before lowering those guns which you inturn didthe same. "How do you know about that" the blonde then asked. "Well I'm sure that you've both posed as Feds before. Anyway burn the bones then we can talk." Quickly you all burned the bones after which you turned to leave. "Not so fast sweetheart you have sokme explaining to do. How about we take you back to the hotel for a couple of beers?" The blonde stopped you. "I'm good I'll see you around how about that." You responded. "Not gonna happen lady either you come willingly or we take you there by force. Now what so you prefer." "Fine I'm in room 19." With the blonde nodding you left to meet them back at your room. After having settled down in your room you heard a knock. "Come in it unlocked" you yelled knowing who it was. The men walked in and you pointed to the mini fridge "beers are in there help yourself." The tall one went to grad beers for them but noticed your formula. "What's this?" He asked. Standing you lifted your shirt to show your tube "I told stomach doesn't work, what I can't eat I put right into my stomach." You sat down any adjusted your shirt. "Now what are your names? I'm yn" "Well I'm Dean Winchester and this is Sam. It's nice to meet you. Now how come I've never heard your name before sweetheart." The blonde answered. "Well 1 it nice to finnaly meet the Winchesters I've heard alot about you from Ellen and 2 I'm good at my job." "Wait you know Ellen, how come we've never heard of you or seen you at the roadhouse?" The tall one, Sam asked? " Well I only really stop by to pick up my formula between hunts other than that I don't know." The three of you talked into the early hours before you realised what time it was. "Well it's time for you guys to go I've got to head out soon. I hope to see y'all soon bit for now goodnight." you told them. "Ok well it was nice to meet you yn stay safe." Dean said. And with that they left you alone hoping to see them again soon.

So this is probably more the length of what I'll do from here on out. If you have any requests please let me know. Anyway I hope you like what I'm doing. Please vote and leave comments about what you like, dislike, and what you think I can do better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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