Chapter 1: Scarlet's Test

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{Scarlet's POV}
I wait patiently as that is all I can do for these ten minutes. Time feels like it has decided to pass as slowly as it can so my mind begins to wander. I concentrate on regulating my breathing as anticipation builds within me. I have no idea of what is to come; the physical test is changed in some way for each person.

My concentration is cut off when I hear what seems to me like a gun shot in front of me. I barely have time to dodge the now obvious wire; which missed me by about five inches. My eyes follow the rest of the wires down the field where I find what I'm up against. I almost lose my balance as the ground shifts under me so I follow the example of my metal opponents and begin climbing the wires.

I pull out my katana; the wolf landing on my wire. I quickly glance for the other animals but thankfully they stay where they are to observe for now.

The wolf makes a lunge for me so I jump to the wire a foot from my left. I bring my blade down on Wolfy's neck. It cuts halfway through disabling the mechanical canine and leaving it to fall to an electric watery grave. I'll admit that was easy...'but not out loud.'

I turn to where the others were waiting but the hawk and cobra are missing. I see Hawky circling above so I begin jumping/climbing up the wires to him...'or her, oh never mind.' I'm level with the metallic bird; my sword ready as he glides towards me. Suddenly I'm jerked backwards onto a cluster of wires with the cobra wrapping around my chest. My sword arm is free but the impact causes my katana to go clattering down. Hawky lands at my feet and attempts to impale me with his beak but I stop him with my feet and kick my left heel into its red eye, crushing it. The hawk retreats but the eye must have been linked to the navigation because Hawky went spiralling, clipping a wing on a wire, and crashed into the wall.

I grab the knife I keep safely strapped to my ankle and stab the metal reptile, loosening its hold on me. Its head whips around to bite me with its nasty fangs. I catch its neck with my ninja reflexes and thrust my knife upwards into its head.

'Three down, one to go,' I think. I just have time to turn around; my senses told me the big bad kitty was right behind me. As soon as we were face to face, kitty leapt. I rolled forward and turned quickly; I'm not letting this cat out of my sight. It leapt again but this time landing on me. I try to kick him off, but the razor sharp metal claws sink into my left shoulder and we instead role off the cluster of wires and go tumbling through those below, like branches, and land on a small piece of ground that had stayed.

There is pain throughout my body, but hardly noticeable compared to the burning pain in my shoulder. I force myself to shove that aside when I see the panther pull itself up from over the edge. "Dammit! Why couldn't you just go all the way over?!" I yell at it. Momentarily it seems to stare at the warm blood running down my arm. I swear I saw a smile, obviously pleased with its work.

'Time to end this!' I switch the knife to my left hand and grab the dagger strapped to my thigh. I get into a fighting stance; a 'come at me bro' gesture. As the Panther takes a swing, I hook its paw with my knife and sever the arm at the shoulder with an upward swing of my dagger. The feline falls over from lack of balance. Without hesitation, I drop to my knees next to the metal monster and drive my dagger into its mechanical head.

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