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It was Thursday after school and I was ready for these volleyball tryouts. I went to the locker room after school so I can get dressed in the proper attire. Afterwards I went to the water fountain to fill my water bottle up. Max and Samuel thought it would be a good idea to come up to me and scare me smh.

Me and Samuel were walking in the hall way and run into Ava. We decided to scare her. The look on her face was hilarious. We told her good luck and that she'll make the team.

We ran into Ava she looked really good in her volleyball attire. Me and Max talked to her before she had to go to tryouts. As we were saying bye I told her good luck and I hugged her. It was kinda awkward cuz she didn't really hug me back. Me and Max started to walk down the hallway and he asked me if I liked Ava. He's my best friend so I told him yea that I'm starting to like her.

So it is true Samuel does like Ava. I mean who could blame him she's a pretty cool girl if I say so myself.

I was kinda in shock Samuel hugged me. I would've hugged him back but he was with max so I didn't want it to be awkward even tho it probably already was for him. Ugh I'm so embarrassing. I headed inside the gym. This girl named Chloe came up to me she was super sweet. We were talking for a bit and she sorta reminded me of my friend Laura.

I was at tryouts today and I saw a new student I went up to her and started talking to her. She seems really nice. But we had to stop talking since tryouts were gonna begin.

After tryout:
I am so happy I made it to the varsity volleyball team! I couldn't be any happier. I talked to Chloe a for bit and told her we should talk more. I headed out the gym and I saw Samuel alone. I asked him why he was still in school and he said he had to stay for some review. He asked me how it went and I told him the news he seemed pretty happy about it. I had the courage to hug him since he wasn't with max. He hugged me back. I had this feeling of relief.

I headed to my math class for some extra review since I wasn't doing that well in that class. I was walking out of class and bumped into Ava. She said she made it on the varsity team. I was pretty happy for her. Out of nowhere she hugs me. I hugged her back and it was a really nice hug. I hugged her tighter. I was so happy we both said goodbye and I headed home.

Short chapter before I take my midterm I'll write another chapter once I'm home. What are your thoughts so far?

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