Chapter 3

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I mutter a quick hello to my dad before rushing upstairs to my room. I love my room, I spend nearly all my time in there. I just lay on my bed on Instagram, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube and all the rest until there's nothing more to see, and at that point I turn to music again. Today I was checking twitter when I got a notification that someone followed me. I clicked it curiously, I rarely ever get new followers, my posts are utterly boring. I gasped inwardly as I noticed that my new follower was Niall Horan. I followed him back after some deliberation, and then he messaged me. The conversation was hardly riveting:



N-How's life.

J-worse since you showed up

N-That isn't very nice, I thought we were friends. Anyway, are you doing anything this weekend?

This last bit made me perk my ears up a bit. Did be just ask what I was doing this weekend? With adrenalin pumping through me I quickly replied

J-No, are you?

N-hah loser. Yeah, I'm going to a party.

My heart sank again, as all hope of actually forming a friendship with the new guy vanished.

I frowned and sent back:

J-If you are just going to be mean then why did you even bother?

I didn't get a reply after that, so I rolled my eyes and shut off my computer. I better get started on the mountain of homework that had been set, although I have no clue how to do any of it. Most of my work consists of 2 minutes of study and winging it, and it seems to have worked alright so far.

I was fairly distracted by the ping from my computer, telling me I had new messages, but I chose to completely ignore them. If I am going to get over this weird phase it will require some willpower.

I was sitting for a few minutes until my mother hollered up the stairs "Juliet, I really hope you're cleaning!"

I groan and stand up, wondering where on earth to start. I shuffle around a bit, shoving some magazines into boxes and chucking wrappers in the bin. I shift my clothes off a chair into the wash basket and sit back down. That is my representation of clean, as long as I can move around it's all good.

The day passes quickly without much excitement. I am already dreading having to face Niall in school tomorrow, pre-planning my arguments so I won't look like a complete idiot.

I fall asleep watching a stupid programme on Netflix, with a confusing story line. For some reason my last thoughts drift back to that blonde haired bully...

The next day at school I was trying to avoid Niall. It was kind of impossible since he was in the majority of my classes. He kept on trying to strike up a conversation that I would reply with one or two word answers. I really don't get him, one minute he would be insulting me and the next he would try to have a friendly conversation. He was also falling into the group of 'popular people' in the school, that all they do is drink and party every weekend. Me on the other hand, I actually had a life.

I was sitting in the lunch hall when he came over and sat next to me. I pretended not to notice and continued my conversation with Olivia. I could tell in Liv's eyes she was sending me signals like 'why on earth is he here?' But I continued talking anyway until Niall coughed.

"So Juliet.." He started

I rolled my eyes then faced him.

"Why have you not been returning my texts?" Olivia's eyes widened but she collected herself.

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