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The next morning I woke up to the same sound I hear every day, my parents arguing in their bedroom. Well it might as well have been my mums bedroom now since my dad sleeps on the sofa almost every day. He tells me he doesn't but I see him when I get hungry in the middle of the night.

I changed and tiptoed out of my room, peering into my parents bedroom and seeing them wearing the clothes that they wore yesterday, meaning they had been arguing all night. "That doesn't mean I can't go out with friends every one in a while!" I heard my mum scream. Tears threatened to fall down my face but I held them in and walked downstairs.

I grabbed the first thing I could find in the kitchen, which happened to be a slice of pizza from yesterday, and then I walked out the door, deciding to go for a walk.

It was almost every Saturday that I would leave the house for almost the entire day, not wanting to even go back when it was late at night. I found an area in an abandoned park that I liked to sit in and read my book or watch the birds and squirrels around me. The space was through hanging branches and coincidentally there was a bench placed directly in the centre. I wondered if anyone else had come here before me and put the bench here, as there was an illegible name scribbled into it.

I pushed the branches out of the way and sat on the bench, looking out at the insects around me. I hummed a little melody as I closed my eyes and let the cool breeze blow my hair out of my face.

I heard a rustling of leaves and squinted my eyes, spotting a figure walking towards me. I recognised him as the boy who delivered my pizza yesterday, because of his unique, mint-coloured hair. "Mind if I sit here?" He almost whispered, not wanting to interrupt the quiet noise of the birds tweeting around us. "Go ahead" I moved over and tapped the space beside me.

There was an awkward moment where we just sat there, strangely close to one another. "My names Yoongi" he turned towards me and I did the same, "I'm Y/N" I smiled. "How come you're here?" I asked, I had never really expected to see anyone here, but I didn't mind company. "Stuff going on at home, I come here quite a lot, but I haven't seen you around before."
"I come here almost every week, I don't like being at home so I went out walking and found this place."

We talked for a while and it was clear that he was getting more comfortable around me, his laughter like the medicine to my problems. I'd say he was a friend, even though we'd only talked for a while.

"Have you ever spoke to your soulmate?" I asked, I've always been interested in soulmates, hoping to one day meet my own. "I spoke with them yesterday, I'm a bit scared because I don't think they'd like me, seeing as I've been the cause of quite a few injuries" he chuckled at the end, but I could tell it was pained. "I've always wanted to meet my soulmate, no matter who they are, I just think it's magical" I looked up at the twisting branches and leaves above, watching birds quickly flying through them.

I heard Yoongi's phone and then he took it out of his pocket, "I've got to go" his voice sounded shaky, as if he was scared. As fast as I could blink, he had rushed off of the bench.

My eyes were drawn to a scar on the back of his arm that I somehow recognised. My eyes went wide as I twisted my arm and matched my scar to his, I looked down at his right leg and saw the bump of a bandage, the same as my leg was bandaged. "It can't be?..."

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