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It looked as though Yoongi and Jimin had been having a strange conversation, because Jimin looked at me with a smirk and then laughed. I raised an eyebrow and awkwardly entered the room. I heard a text ringtone and looked down at the phone on the table, which I'm guessing was Jimin's since he reached over and picked it up. "It's Tae" he smiled, "I need to go and pick him up. Will you guys be okay here? I'll only be a few minutes"
"We'll be fine" Yoongi followed Jimin out of the room and then waved when Jimin drove his car away.

"Have you ever met Taehyung?" I asked Yoongi, wanting to know a little more about Jimin's soulmate before I actually met him, "No, sorry, I've only heard stories about him from Jimin, he seems like a nice guy though."

It was silent for a while -but not the type of silence that was uncomfortable, I was fine sitting there, my head swimming in thoughts.

"Stop me, if im making you uncomfortable" Yoongi turned to me and gulped, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "Do you think all soulmates have to be romantic?"
"Um... I guess not, it depends if they both feel that way, but even if they are it might not work out, take my parents for example."
"Do you... think... we... should..." he avoided my gaze and his eyes darted all over the room, probably searching for any kind of distraction. "Do I think we should be romantic?" I guessed what he was trying to say, he nodded and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "I guess I did imagine being together with my soulmate, but I guess we'd have the time to think about what we want together and then-" I was cut off by soft lips pressing onto mine, at first I allowed myself to give in, a hot sensation running all over my body, but then I realised what was happening, my eyes went wide and I pulled back suddenly.

"I'm sorry I thought-" Yoongi started, "no um... it was my fault, I'm sorry I'm just going to, Uhh" I couldn't stand the embarrassment of my rambling and I left the room, running upstairs and locking myself in the bathroom, trying to control my breathing. I sat on the floor and put my head in my hands, what just happened? Why the heck did I run away like that?

Yoongi's POV
I sat in surprise as Y/N ran up the stairs, am I that bad at kissing? I didn't move from my spot, wondering what had just happened. The door opened and Jimin's laugh filled the house, followed by another, unfamiliar laugh.

A tall man with bright blue hair followed Jimin into the house. He smiled at me and waved, "you must be Yoongi, I'm Taehyung, but you can call me Tae. ChimChim has told me so much about you!"

"Uhh hi" I smiled back and extended my hand out, which he took and shook firmly

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"Uhh hi" I smiled back and extended my hand out, which he took and shook firmly. "Where's Y/N?" Jimin looked around the room, "did you do what we talked about?" He winked, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "Yes, and then she ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom." A low whistle came out of Jimin's mouth as he exhaled. "I'll go talk to her" I turned to Tae as he spoke, I wasn't sure how well their 'talk' would go, seeing as they didn't know each other. Tae probably saw the uncertainty in my face, "trust me, I'm really good at making people feel better." He smiled a genuine smile and then walked up the stairs.

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