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Annette sat at the dining room table early the next morning, waiting for her father to come down for breakfast. He never missed this meal with her, even though a few times he'd been late. Obviously, this morning would be one of those few times.

She was too nervous to eat, and still too upset, but she sipped her tea until it turned cool. She tapped her fingers on the table, but that only made her more agitated. As she lay in bed last night, she prepared in her mind what she'd say to him. Although she was still very upset at him for not trusting her enough to tell her the truth, she didn't want to hate him as she did the other men who lied to her.

Closing her eyes, she rubbed her forehead, wishing the ache in her skull would leave. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night. If she wasn't crying over the issues with her father, she was dreaming about what she and Peter had one. It was difficult to go from one wonderful memory to one that broke her heart.

The creaking floor snapped her alert just as her father walked into the dining room. He was dressed in one of his brown suite, ready to start the day. His light-brown hair was slicked back off his forehead, and a few more silver hairs were noticeable. She studied his face and for the first time, noticed the twinkle in his eyes and the satisfied grin he tried not to show. He had indeed been with a woman last night because after kissing Peter, she was sure she had that same dopey expression.

"Good morning, Annette."

"Good morning, Father."

He sat and reached for the trays of fruits and scones. "Did you and Peter have a nice evening?"

"Yes, we did." She folded her hands in her lap. "I even think I figured out who Shy Nellie is." When he gave her a confused look, she added, "The one who had written the Lovelorn."

"Oh, yes."

Matilda hurried out of the kitchen, bringing a teacup and a pot of coffee for her father. She set the cup in front of him before pouring. He gave the cook a nod and she left.

"It was Janette Ramsey. Her mother always calls her Nellie."

"How interesting." He bit into a scone.

"I found it interesting, too."

He opened a newspaper from one of their competitors and skimmed the front page. She fisted her hands, wishing he'd give her as much attention as he did to that newspaper.

She cleared her throat. "I also think I discovered the identity of another person who had written to the newspaper." She paused, waiting for his reaction, but apparently, he was too wrapped up in what he was reading. She wanted to scream at him or cry, but she would do neither. Instead, she would force him to listen to her.

She cleared her throat loudly. Finally, he pulled his focus away from the newspaper and looked at her. "Did you hear what I said, Father?"

"Oh, forgive me." He took a drink of his coffee. "Tell me what you said."

"I think I discovered the identity of another person who'd written to the newspaper."

Her father scowled. "Annette, you really shouldn't do that. Some of these people don't want you to know who they are."

"Especially, if they are related." She arched an eyebrow. "Am I right, Mr. Lonely?"

His eyes widened and the newspaper in his hands fell to the table. "Pardon me?"

She folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. "Father, why didn't you tell me that you have met a woman and you want to marry her?"

"Where did you hear such nonsense?"

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