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Peter couldn't believe he dared to write another letter to the Lovelorn, but falling in love was a serious matter, and he couldn't take it lightly. He never thought he'd feel this way about any woman, and to think she'd been in his life all this time. He couldn't lose her, and the kiss they had shared proved that he would never find anyone that made him feel this way. He'd kissed many women, but with Annette, it wasn't just a kiss. It was the beginning of better things to come.

Although he wanted to pour out his heart to her now, he'd wait for a week just to read the Lovelorn's advice. Of course, he might not be able to wait that long.

He pulled the one-horse buggy to a stop in front of Annette's house. Malcolm had asked Peter this morning if he'd drive by the house and pick up Annette. That was one request Peter would definitely not turn down. Sometimes he wondered if Malcolm knew about his feelings for Annette. Either that or the older man was trying to play matchmaker.

Peter grinned. He wouldn't mind that at all.

He parked the buggy and hurried toward the house. After two knocks on the front door, Annette greeted him. Her eyes sparkled as she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. Before the door was even closed, she had her arms wrapped around his neck. The held her tightly in his embrace, not wanting to ever let her go.

"Did Father tell you?" she asked with excitement in her voice.

"He mentioned that you were working from home this morning."

She shook her head. "Not that. Did he tell you about our talk?"

Peter caressed her glistening blonde hair that was as soft as silk. "No. What happened?"

"I asked him about his lady friend who he had been visiting last night. At first, he denied having any love interest in his life, but he finally admitted the truth."

"I'm so glad the truth is out."

She nodded. "I find it funny that she's my school teacher, Mrs. Chadwick."

Peter chuckled. "Now see, I didn't even know her identity."

Sighing, she stared into his eyes as her fingers weaved through his hair. He loved her touch. "I'm happy that you're happy."

"Me, too." She lifted on her toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

Her movements were so fast that he couldn't stop her. He wouldn't mind picking up where they'd left off last night. Then again, they both needed to be at work today.

"I'm almost ready to go. Give me a few minutes." She turned and hurried up the stairs.

His heart swelled with love. She made him as giddy as a schoolboy, but that only added more excitement to the relationship.

During his wait, he strolled into the sitting room and looked at the loveseat where they had cuddled last night. Annette was a passionate woman, and he couldn't wait for the next time they let passion take them away.

Her black leather satchel lying on the table drew his attention. A few typed pages were sticking out of the opening. He moved closer to arrange them so they wouldn't fall out and get lost. He couldn't count how many times that had happened to him.

As Peter adjusted them inside the satchel, a phrase on the page jumped out at him. Yours Truly: The Lovelorn.

Curious, he pulled out the paper to read what was written. There was the letter he'd mailed in yesterday... and the writer's response. How did she get these pages, unless...

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