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After much internal debate, I organized a little meet up at the park with the "gang" as Jungkook calls it. Since Jungkook came unexpectedly, the others didn't know. So I thought surprising them would be cute or emotional or whatever. We're all really close so...

"STOP RIGHT NOW," Jimin jumps on Jungkook, "MY MAIN MAN." Jungkook fake sobs. "We should figure out a way to get Jungkook deported, I'm starting to get jealous of their friendship," Taehyung whispers at me. "We should step up our game," I whisper back and push him towards Jungkook. "Now I won't have to deal with Jimin all by myself," Tae says as he pushes Jimin off Jungkook. "Isn't Hoseok there with you guys?" Jungkook looks over at me. "Yeah but I'm smart and leave once Jimin starts getting annoying ." "And he's always using Drama as an excuse," Jimin rolls his eyes. "Oh yeah, I'm joining this semester." Jungkook smiles.

"Really?!?!? As??"

"Actor because I'm that bitch." He smirks.

"Of course," I roll my eyes, "the only things you're good at are being dramatic and talking and talking and talking and tal-"

"Okay, I get it geez." "Oh wait, and also talking," I smirk. "He's been acting like a bitch lately, you came back in time," Jimin points at me. "And he got a boyfriend," Taehyung interrupts. "Oh really?" Jungkook frowns. "NO I DIDN'T, JIMIN AND TAE ARE JUST BEING ANNOYING AS ALWAYS," I say as I slap Taehyungs arm. "He's been talking with a guy named Yoongi from theater and I can honestly see them together," Jimin chuckles while making a shield against me with his arms. I look at Jungkook, "they're going crazy because I'm talking to someone other than them." "Well, now you'll have me to spy on them during Theater class," Jungkook winks at Jimin and Tae.

"I'm literally going to stop being friends with you three," I sit on the park bench and cross my arms. "But then you won't have anyone to hang out with," Jungkook pouts. Taehyung taps his shoulder, "Don't worry, he has his boyfriend Yoongi."

"OooooOOOOUUUuuuuuuUu" the three tease in unison.

"What the hell, what grade are we in?"


Jimin raises his hand, "Kindergarten"

"Taehyung shakes his head, "Well, maybe Jungkook, we're at least in second." "I agree," Jimin says as I slouch in frustration.


~Monday Afternoon~

"I liked your presentation."

I look back to see Yoongi with his hand up. "Why are you being so nice today? What happened to the I hAvE nO frieNds Yoongi?" He shrugs, "Someone told me to be nicer, anyways, we have to meet up somewhere so we can help each other decide what idea we're going to go with." "I can do it on my own..." He rolls his eyes, "Yeah but since we are partners I want us to look good in front of everyone instead of looking ridiculous because you chose one of your bad ideas." "You literally JUST said you LIKED my presentation." He crosses his arms, "It could have been the way it looked or the way you presented, not the content. I'm gonna go because I have better things to do, text me later." I watch him leave and start storming off towards Physical Ed. class. Thankfully Jungkook is in this class and the teacher mentioned last week about today being a free period.

"OH IM SO DONE WITH HIM," I say as I sit down next to Jungkook, arms crossed. "What happened now." He says in an unsurprised tone. "He comes up to me right? And then he wants a high five, I ask what the hell happened to his rude arrogant self and he says that someone told him to be nicer." "O...Kay?" "And THEN the more we talk, he suddenly shifts back personalities and starts CRITICIZING MY WORK, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK."

"Language Hoseok!" The teacher shouts. "Dude chill, you're going to get us in trouble." "Well, what? Am I supposed to not get stressed because I'm stuck with him for how much longer?" Jungkook stays quiet. "Also, why didn't you walk with me if we have the same sixth period?" He shrugs, "You looked busy." I roll my eyes, "Anyways, in the end, he casually just tells me to text him as if everything was fine, like no, you don't say my work is bad and expect me to want to talk to you for insulting my hard work. Yes, it may not be perfect but like-" "Hoseok I thought you said I was annoying and here you are, talking way too much. I'm about to leave and talk to Yenna instead."

"I'm offended, I always listen to YOUR problems." "But mine have solutions, your problem with Yoongi is unsolvable. From what you've been saying, you two are literally the same person. Same level of arrogance, same kindness on and off switch. Doesn't work." "Well, I have to meet up with him so we can wOrk tOgethEr." Jungkook's eyes light up, "Hey! You should finish your part and make it the best thing you've ever done and then meet up with him and help him do his part. Maybe you will look superior??? I don't know." "That's a good idea," I frown, "but I'm too lazy." "Ask Taehyung to help, he's watched about a million dramas and loves tragedy and also happy endings. He'll be great help." "You're very dramatic and you have many ideas too though."

He smirks, "I'm too lazy." "I'm going to hit you oh my god." I threaten.



Jimin sighs, "We want to go home and sleep, it's been a long day Tae." I look over at Jungkook, "Let me tell you, I have never in my life seen Jimin this calm and exhausted." Jungkook nods, "It's scary." "Fuck off guys, do you know how many numbers my eyes had to see in calculus? I was about to explode, and I'm REALLY good at math so it was that bad." Taehyung shakes his head, "This is weird, I actually kind of feel bad for Jimin." "Just order some on Uber eats or go by yourself," I tell him. "Fine, but next time you guys want something, I will strongly oppose." Jungkook smiles, "We'll be looking forward to it."

We all stop walking as we reach the intersection. "And this is where the four best friends, sadly, part ways." Taehyung fake sobs. "I WILL MISS YOU MY LOVES." Taehyung shouts as Jimin pushes him from embarrassment. I roll my eyes, chuckling a little before leaving them and start heading to my house.


A familiar car suddenly pulls up next to me. "Honey get in aren't you cold?" I smile, "Mom you scared me." "I got your pain relief patches!" "You're uh a bit too late for that." I laugh as I get in. As she starts driving further, I notice that she seems a little uncomfortable. "Hoseok?" She finally speaks up. "Yeah?" "How do you feel about moving somewhere else?" My eyes go wide, "What? No?! I don't want to leave! I thought you loved our house?" "I do! It's just that you looked down lately and I noticed that you've been taking my sleeping pills every so often. I thought something was going on and that you might need a change." "Wait so you haven't bought a new place or planned anything yet?"


I sigh in relief, "Mom don't scare me like that, I have just been stressed because of somethings and sometimes I can't sleep maybe because of the neighbors but I love it here, I don't want to move." She smiles, "As long as you're happy. How has school been then?"

Oh it's been.

"It's been good!" "And your calculus grade?" "SUDDENLY IM NOT FEELING GOOD, CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS LATER," I say as I try getting out of the car. "Can you wait until I park?!" "Fresh air I nEed."

"The windows are down already!"

A/N Sorry if this chapter is kinda crap! I've been really busy especially because I want to make sure my grades are straight A's for that BTS concert coming up ;). Sis gotta get good grades or i aiNt goinG! 

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