Chapter 13

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A/N: I felt like writing fluff so here's the boys being fucking adorable for 2,200 words. I'm sort of in the middle of a mental breakdown right now so updates might be on and off, hopefully at least one a week, but I dunno, we'll see. Also, how would everyone feel about a chapter more from Oliver's view? Like, still third person, just following Oliver. It wouldn't be in the next chapter, but maybe in the one after or something. Also, I picked Freaks because I'm obessessed with it a little bit right now. Anyways, this is a slightly longer chapter, but I hope you like it.

"We should watch terminator or men in black or something." Logan said, unlocking the front door and pushing up his glasses as he walked into the house.

"What about a horror? The babadook or texas chainsaw massacre."

"Ooh, wait, there was one I haven't seen yet, um..oh! before I wake! it came out a long time ago, but I've been too scared to watch it alone." He said and Oliver chuckled.

"Sure, why not. You have popcorn, right?" Oliver asked and Logan nodded.

"Also do you want me to sleep on the couch? I know I ended up sleeping in your bed last time, but if you're not comfortable with doing that-" Oliver started.

"I mean, my bed would probably be more comfortable..for you, and I don't mind, unless you want to sleep on the couch-" Logan said and Oliver looked at him with a small smirk, watching the smaller boy turn a bright red.

"No, Wait, you know what we should do." Oliver said, a smile on his face.


"Blanket fort, we can set it up with pillows and chairs and shit and get popcorn and just watch on a laptop or something." He said and Logan smiled.

"Wasn't the last time we did that when we were like nine?" Logan asked with a small laugh.

"We are more architecturally knowledgeable, which means we can now make the best pillow fort, because we're seventeen instead of nine" Oliver said, then looked to Logan. "Or sixteen, sorry, sometimes I forget you're the baby of the class." He grinned and Logan crossed his arms, fake offended.

"You can't act like being a year older makes you better, I'm not the one who failed kindergarden." He said and Oliver looked off as if he might actually be offended and Logan opened his mouth to apologize before Oliver spoke again.

"How dare you disrespect me in such a way? You know, back in my day, kids had some respect for their elders." He said, pointing an accusing finger at Logan, who laughed, rolling his eyes and Oliver also chuckled a little.

"Well I'm sorry, SIR." He said overdramatically and Oliver raised an eyebrow with a chuckle.

"Say that again, but a little less sarcasm and a little more moan." He said with a grin and Logan's eyes widened, hitting his chest with a laugh as he went bright red.

"You're a dick." He mumbled and Oliver smiled, shaking his head.

"Alright, come on, let's make this thing." He said, walking into the kitchen to get dining chairs to use as supports.


When the fort was finished, it really didn't look bad. It was mostly just two walls of set up dining chairs with a blanket roof. Now they were in the kitchen, making microwave popcorn, Logan sitting on the countertop.

"Your dads aren't going to be mad about the dining chairs being gone for the night, are they?" Oliver asked and Logan shook his head with a smile.

"They're not even coming home tonight, they're away at hotel or something for the night."

"They have to go away to a hotel just to have sex? Jeez." Oliver said jokingly and Logan laughed quietly.

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