Chapter 4

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A / N: How's your week going? Mine's kinda shit currently, but that's okay, I probably just need more sleep. Alright, Song for the Sleepless by Ollie MN. It's great, I love it, I hope you will too. Anybody else out there always buy cool coloring books but never use them? Much like my obsession with collecting journals and never writing in them. Enjoy the fourth chapter.

"Where were you?" Logan paused in the hallway, seeing his dad's at the table eating dinner. "Logan, what happened?"

"I just..I don't know, it's just a dumb kid at school." His dad, Matthew, rushed over to him.

"Is anything broken? How did you get home? Are you okay? What happened?" Logan just stared down at the ground, most of the bruises were under his sweater, but there was a cut on his cheek and he had a busted lip.

"I'm fine, dad, I think I just want to head off to bed if that's okay." He said and his dad smiled sadly, kissing his forehead. His other dad, Allen walked over to him.

"Sleep well, bud." His father smiled, also giving him a kiss on the forehead before Logan smiled back and nodded.

"Love you, dad, love you, dad." He said before he walked upstairs to take a shower.

He sat under the hot water for a long time, it stung at first, but after the bruises numbed a bit to the water pelting softly onto his skin and the dried blood washed off, it felt warm and inviting. Soon he couldn't think of getting out. He washed his hair and sat on the floor of the shower, running his fingers through his wet curls. Sometimes getting out of the shower took two hours, sometimes it took thirty minutes. There was too much to think about when the pitter patter of the water drowned out all the other noises, there were no distractions. He stayed under the water until he started to feel lightheaded from the steam and his thoughts were going foggy.

He eventually got out, putting on pajamas and walking to bed, tired as he had been since he woke up. He was hungry and irritated and wanted to yell at somebody for no reason, but he wouldn't do that, he was Logan, Logan didn't do things like that. So the red-headed boy crawled into his bed and turned off the lights, closing his eyes and pulling the covers over him. It was barely the middle of fall and he was shivering, it wasn't cold, it had been relatively warm all day, but he was frozen to the bone. Logan groaned and pulled his fingers through his hair, it was always the worst when he got cold, his body was never able to warm back up.

He rolled over and looked at his clock // 12:32 AM // He sighed and got up. Shit, I need to eat something. He shook his head, but walked down to the kitchen anyway, I'd just look in the fridge and maybe get a carrot or something.

The refrigerator light was so welcoming, drawing him in like a moth to an open flame. How dare the food look so good, and yet, he could have none of it. Just take like, one bite of something, it's fine, you're fine, just eat something, you're hungry, you want it, just eat it. His hand shook as he left the thoughts wash over him, defenseless to stop them. He was starving hungry and soon he was reaching for the pasta that his dad's had made for dinner the night before, then chocolate, followed by cheese, and so many other things that he definitely wasn't allowed to eat. He knew he felt terrible later, but it felt so good now.

He tried to puke, just like every time, though, he couldn't, and after having no luck in heaving up the contents of his stomach, he left the bathroom to walk to his room, sliding down against the wall. He was full, but his head beat like a drum with how many thoughts were swarming him, a nest of bees that he'd disturbed. uglystupidfatbitchslutfatbitchdisgustingcan'tevencontrolyourselffatwhoredisgustingslutdon'tdeservetolivestupidfatstupiduglystupid. He let out a quiet sob in the silence of his room, he hated this. The worst was this, the nights when he couldn't control it, when everything hurt, when he did what his body wanted and his brain hated him for it. Logan pulled his legs up to his chest and his whole body seemed to shake as he sobbed. disgustinguglystupidfatbitchslutpitiful.
He tried to take breaths in but they weren't helping, he just had to wait it out.

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