Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey! So I'm sorry this is the first chapter in a while. Life has been crazy. Anyways, I'm also putting a trigger warning on this chapter even though I know I already had the list in the beginning, there isn't much description, I just know it also doesn't take me much to relapse back into self harm, so if that's triggering to you, you can read basically the whole chapter, it's just a few paragraphs about it at the end. Also this is Peaches by Grandson and K.Flay and I'm obesessed at the moment. Hope everyone's good despite covid-19 going around. Be safe, wash your hands, drink your water, and have a good day/night.

The director announced that rehearsal was finished and Logan hopped up to change out of his paint-stained long sleeve shirt back into his favorite yellow hoodie. Everyone was packing up or changing or reading over their scripts one last time. Sy was hanging out backstage when Logan saw him and smiled.

"Hey." He said with a little giggle and Sy smiled warmly.

"Hey, how's set design going?" He asked and Logan shrugged.

"Pretty well, I can't do details until the paint dries but the forest pieces will be done probably by next week." He said and Sy nodded.

"That's really cool." He said and Logan nodded, a small smile on his face.

"You looked like you were doing good up on stage, how's that going?" Logan asked and Sy smiled.

"Really great, I was kind of peeved about not getting the hatter at first but I dunno, I think I play a pretty good cat if I do say so myself." He said with a small smile, crossing one ankle over the other as he leaned against the wall next to Logan.

"I mean, you are one of the best actors in school." Logan said with a little smile and Sy chuckled.

"You're being nice, I'm clearly not the best, I mean, look at Mark, or Grace, they're miles ahead of me." He said, sighing softly, scratching the back of his head.

"Maybe Mrs. Abernathy just thought you'd be better as the cat, you're good in every role you do, and you're nicer than Mark anyways." Logan said and Sy gave him a little smile, ruffling his red hair.

Syrus took off his cat ear headband that was being used in place of a full cat costume and he pulled his fingers through his dark hair as the sound of the auditorium door shutting echoed. Probably the last of the theatre kids leaving to go call their parents or catch the late bus.

"Hey uh..can I talk to you?" Sy asked, his smile staying but his tone slightly more serious. Logan's eyes widened a little and he nodded.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked and Sy took a breath, bringing his fingernail up to his mouth, somewhere between confused and concentrated, probably trying to figure out what to say. Logan could tell he was trying to figure out how to phrase something. If it were Tyler, he'd be waving his hands around trying to make the words "come to him" while pacing around in circles.

", did you know you were like..into guys?" Sy asked and Logan paused a moment, thinking over the question.

"I guess I just wasn't ever really into girls and then it started becoming obvious that I found guys more attractive and I mean, my dads weren't exactly pushing a heteronormative world view or anything." He said with a little smile. "Do you think that you might be gay?" He asked softly and Sy looked off a moment.

"I don't think I'm totally gay but maybe like, bi or something..." He said and Logan nodded a little.

"It's okay if you are. How'd you find out?" He asked.

"Well, I've kind of liked this one guy for a while, I mean, at first I didn't think it was anything, and then I just realized it definitely was and I don't know." He shrugged a bit. Logan smiled.

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