Chapter 18

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A/N: Alright, first off, can I just say, thank you to everyone following me or reading this or voting and commenting, 30,000 reads is fucking awesome. Also, just because I've been a bit worried recently, I thought I'd ask if there are any characters that seem a bit underdeveloped or feel flat, also feel free to tell me if there's anything I could change to make this book better in general.
Also I chose Rain by Call Me Karizma because I've been getting super into his music, it just feels like 'shit, someone's finally talking about depression just because it's depression istead of because of some relationship they were in' I dunno, I just relate to it more.

He pulled on a black hoodie and sweatpants before heading downstairs, his hair still damp, a small smile on his face as he saw his dads, Allen still taking off his striped scarf, Matthew holding grocery bags full of Christmas decorations. Logan sometimes forgot Christmas was in a week, it was all moving so fast.

"Hey." He said, stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket, Matthew smiled when he looked to Logan.

"Hey, how was school?" He asked. Logan shrugged.

"It was good, what'd you guys get at the store?"

"Lights mostly, but we also picked up some ornaments. Honey, could you help me get the tree from the basement?" Matthew asked, turning to Allen and his husband nodded with a small smile.

"I could go make some hot tea." Logan offered and Matthew smiled, nodding to him.

"Yeah, why don't we all have some family time around the table?" Matthew asked.

"Sure." Allen said, taking his coat off before they headed down to the basement and Logan walked to the kitchen, putting water in the kettle and setting it on the stove.

Logan's dad's brought the tree from the basement to the living room and set it up. It wasn't huge, but it was big enough to almost reach the ceiling and looked like a real tree even though it was fake. Allen always explained that they didn't have time to be cleaning up pine needles all the time and it was much cheaper to have one that they just kept in the basement and took out once a year. Why buy a whole tree for a couple weeks when you could just buy it once and have it for a few years? Matthew never minded and while Logan preferred real trees, he never cared enough about that to argue it.

The water in the kettle boiled to a shrill scream and Logan quickly took it off the stove, pouring it into mugs while his dad, Matthew, walked in with a small smile.

"Which teabag do you want? We've got Chamomile, Peppermint, Chai, Black, and Caramel." Logan said and Matthew thought for a moment.

"I think I'll have Caramel. Love, what are you having?" Matthew asked moving over to one of the kitchen chairs to sit down, looking to his husband and Allen smiled.

"Black tea is fine." Allen said, walking over to wrap his arms around Matthew's shoulders, leaning down to kiss his cheek and Matthew smiled, reaching up to run his fingers through his husband's graying brunette hair. Logan thought with a small smile that sometimes they still acted like they were in highschool. The red-head set the teabags into the mugs and passed them out, getting chamomile for himself.

"You guys should get a room." Logan said with a soft giggle as they were now kissing, they'd always been openly affectionate, it'd never actually bothered him.

Allen pulled away a moment to give his son a grin before saying.
"We got a house." and at that Logan laughed quietly and sat down, passing out the two other mugs.

"It was very kind of you to make us tea, Lo, thank you." Matthew said and Allen nodded. Logan loved his dads, and he wouldn't trade them in for the world, he just wished he could be the son they thought he was. Imposter. He shook the thought off, he was only making them happy.

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