•The missing teeth•

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~*this story will be first person and it is longer so if you don't like long story's you can go to the next*~
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾

When I woke up as usual in the morning , i felt a sharp pain in my mouth. I rubbed my cheeks and dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I started to brush my toothbrush slipped into a new gap. As the toothbrush slipped I felt a sharp pain,I froze as I moved the toothbrush brushing the bristles against the gap, I didn't understand what was happening.Slowly, I removed the toothbrush from my mouth and saw it had blood on it.
I looked into the mirror as I pulled my lips to expose my teeth.

There!!! Set in the sudsy white teeth was a little black space. In the upper set, in the front. My anxiety flared and my mind ran through all of the reasons my tooth could have fallen out. Was it because I only brush my teeth in the morning? Is there food stuck in my gums?
I couldn't let people see me like this so I went through the day with my lips curled over my teeth and I couldn't stop coming up with reasons why my tooth had fallen out.
When I finally had time to myself I scheduled a dentist appointment for me later in the week.
I was still so stressed I fell asleep.

The next morning, I had yet another tooth missing at the bottom row. But strangely this time there was no blood or pain. There was just a hole. I couldn't stop putting my tongue through it. Maybe the dentist could put them back in. I went throughout the day worrying.

On the third day, my front three teeth on the top and bottom were  gone.Every few minutes I reached into my mouth to push and pull on my teeth to see if they were loose until  I began to the worry that I was making them loose with all the tugging. I didn't go to work, I just called my dentist a half dozen times, trying to get him to see me as soon as possible.

The anxiety was really bad so after I carefully brushed my teeth, I went to bed early. I woke up to scraping sounds but when I did I saw it. I don't  know why I didn't scream or jump back against the headboard , I just stayed still and watched it confused.

In the dark I could just barely see the outline of its twisted back. It's face was  twisted. Its thin eyes caught the little bit of streetlight that came through my window. When he put his long fingers in my mouth, I tasted dirt . Its fingers pinched one of my teeth. I felt a quick, sharp slice into my gum and then just a gap where my tooth was. It took four more as I lay still, then creeped out of my room.I laid still as hours passed on by.

I didn't  go anywhere the next day. My dentist's office called, I didn't answer and I didn't move out of my bed.I couldn't call the police. "A creature is stealing my teeth during the night ," I might as well be in a mental asylum. Instead, I tried to fight sleep. I played my radio on the loudest setting I could possibly put. But I feel asleep for a few minutes from exhaustion.
When I woke up, it was in the silent dark and he was there. What happened to the radio?

It took three more that night. When it left, I followed. I saw its car. After it pulled  out, I ran to my car and went after him. I kept my distance but at this time of night we were the only two cars on the road.
We drove on  roads I'd never been on. They were dark and bumpy. Trees flanked us. No moon or stars ,just headlights that shined on the roads it was even worse because of how thick the fog was . I didn't know what time we started, but it felt like we'd been driving for hours. Finally, after a few hours I started to see familiar roads. This thing was messing with me. All we did was go in a big circle!These were the streets that took us out into the backwoods. We were going back to my house!

I realized then that it wasn't my house. It looked like my house, but at my house I had apple trees planted.It parked its car and walked inside. I followed right behind. I knew where it was going.I walked back to my bedroom and pushed the door open. It had turned on a small lamp on the nightstand and he was already at work.

In my bed, under the covers, was a lump of flesh. Someone had sculpted  arms and a neck and a dented jawline. On the top of its head was uneven, strands of hair . Pink.Same as mine. Two small holes for a nose, two circles where the eyes should be. I watched it open up the lump's lipless mouth and  carefully set my teeth into its gums. After they were in, it grabbed them, wiggled them, tugged on them. They wouldn't budge.

Slowly, it turned  and looked at me. Over its  shoulder, its back twisted even more .It struggled to breathe, each exhale was a muffled scream. It tried to rise, tried to push itself up with his long fingers,but they just smashed useless against the mattress. It's  breaths became more frustrated and angry as it struggled to prop itself up. When its back stoped twisting , it joined the flesh.

The creature continued to take form in the flesh and look more and more like me. When it finished the creature looked just like me...exactly like me but something was off. It had three sets of mouths that were sideways. I stared at it until it opened its mouth wide exposing its throat with rows of teeth. It leaped at me and I fell down it's throat into darkness.

 It leaped at me and I fell down it's throat into darkness

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I woke up in my real house.

A few more nights passed  before all my teeth were gone. Then I started to lose my fingernails and toenails. Last night, he took my lips. Now, there's just a gaping black hole in my face.

I don't know what it will  take next, I know there's not much I can do now.

+𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼+Where stories live. Discover now