12: mitsuba sousuke

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(Y/N) and Natsuhiko were happily engaging in a conversation with one another as Mistuba only gazed from afar. Natsuhiko leaned in to whisper something in (Y/N)'s ear, which resulted in her having a deep blush present on her face. "Sheesh, Natsuhiko, shut up! They might hear you!!" shouted an angry (Y/N). Her cheeks were puffed and her face was flushed.

"Hey guys! (Y/N)- mmfffpp mmddfffp!!" Natsuhiko was about to say some amazing secret nobody knew about, but (Y/N) quickly shut him up, covering his mouth with her hand.

"Nothing!! Nothing!!" she exclaimed to Sakura, Tsukasa and Mitsuba.

Mitsuba sighed, in a depressing manner as he only stared at (Y/N) from afar. Oh, how much he wanted to tease her. How much he longed to hold her close to him.

All his true intentions were masked through insults and sarcastic remarks. (Y/N), being the clueless klutz she is, couldn't take a hint. The only way to get through to her is to actually tell her.. Mitsuba grumbled, his cheeks rested on his hands as he stared into oblivion.

"What was that, Mitsuba? I don't think I heard that correctly." (Y/N) said to Mitsuba from behind. Crap, she heard me. Mitsuba thought.

"What? I said something? (Y/N), you must be hearing things! Mabye you should get hearing aids!" Mitsuba mocked, a grin spreading over his cute face.

"But I could have sworn I heard you say something like 'the only way to get through to her is to actually tell her'-" Upon hearing what (Y/N) said, Mitsuba thrusted his hand up to (Y/N)'s face in attempt to cover her mouth.

"Shhhhhut uppp" Mitsuba whispered. "Again, you're hearing things..!" he claimed. Unbeknownst to you, Mitsuba's cheeks were flushed, aswell as the tips of his ears. His breathing was hectic, and his heart was running 100 kilometers a minute.

"Yeah, sure.." (Y/N) gave way. "..So who's the lucky girl? Sakura? Mabye that girl with the fat ankles??" she questioned endlessly. "Come on, Mitsuba, tell me!!"

Mitsuba gave it some thought, until finally replying with a disappointing "No"

(Y/N) immediately began pouting. "Haha! Keep pouting your cheeks, (Y/N)! Mabye your ankles will puff along with them!" The spirit mocked.

"Not funny!" (Y/N) stormed off, going to Tsukasa. "I'm going to someone who won't bully me!!" she claimed.

Oh, Tsukasa's a big bully, you klutz. Mitsuba thought, smirking to himself as the (e/c)-eyed spirit stormed off.

~Your POV~

"Tsukasa...~" You whined endlessly as you came to dump all your 'Boy Problems' on yet another boy. "Mitsuba haaates me.."

"And whaaat makes you say thaaat~?" Tsukasa smirked knowingly. "I'm sure he doesn't haate you, per say.. Mabye, deep deep deep deep DEEEP down inside, Mitsuba actually loves you! You never know!"

"Yeah, right..!" you whined to Tsukasa. "His 'jokes' sound more like insults.."

"Aren't they always insults?" Tsukasa questioned, his eyebrows jokingly furrowing. His smirk was wider than ever, as if he were suggesting something.

"Is this another joke? 'Cause I don't get it," you stated, shrugging.

"Here, mabye this'll help.." Tsukasa sneered. His arms suddenly snaked up your waist as he gently grabbed hold of you from behind. Tsukasa's soft voice then whispered something within your ears; "Mitsuba, he-"

"Stop it, Tsukasa.." Mitsuba grumbled from a doorframe. "You're being annoying.."

Who are you and what have you done with Mitsuba? Was the first thing you thought at the sight of Mitsuba's lethargic state. "Mitsuba-" He grabbed your arm immediately and freed yourself from Tsukasa's grasp.

"Ohoho~ Some spirit's jeaaaalouuusss~" Tsukasa yelled from afar.

"S-Shut up, Tsukasa! Your smirk is so smug, it's disgusting!" Mitsuba retorted back as he dragged you to who knows where.

Mitsuba took you everywhere, up and down the stairs, left and right, northwest and southeast until, finally, Mitsuba decided on a spot; the school roof.

"I.. I'm- I mean.. We're not here b-because you're special or anything.!" Mitsuba must have been very flustered at that moment, because his legs were shaking and his cheeks were flushed. "First of all, I want to tell you what the heck you've been doing to me.!"

"Every single day, there you are, talking to either Tsukasa, Natsuhiko, or Sakura. Now, don't get me wrong, talking to them is fine. Completely fine! It's just... what you guys are doing.. Specifically Tsukasa and Natushiko.. You're always so touchy. Eugh.."

Wait what, was Mitsuba being honest? Your mind failed to comprehend the oral essay he spat at you.

"Anyway! I want you to stop being so touchy with Natsuhiko and Tsukasa.. it's gross, and disturbing.."

You sigh in relief. So he doesn't hate me, after all..


What the heck, there's more? You've gotta be kidding me

"What you've been doing to me.. Whenever I see you, I feel some kind of attachment to you.. Like, a wanting that never ceases to end. I have a.. a craving.. for you..?" That did not sound good. Especially from Mitsuba's mouth.

"And, uh.. I never want to see you.. see you, uhh.." He never wants to see me? Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This was not Mitsuba, and you thought it.

"..You don't want to see me, but you have a craving for me..? I don't get this joke, Mitsuba," you spoke, confused. Tears slowly started to form on the corners of your eyes.

"Argh, that's not what I meant, (Y/N)! Here, let me show you, idiot!" Mitsuba yelled frustratingly at you. "..Close your eyes, I've never done something like this before," he whispered quietly.

You did as told and closed you eyes. Suddenly, you felt something soft press on your lips. Mitsuba was- Mitsuba's kissing me!! Your entire face heated up and you slowly, but sure kissed back.

The kiss was mediocre. It could have lasted longer, it could have lasted shorter. Nonetheless, Mitsuba had to pull apart in pure embarrassment.

"I.. I like you and all, so don't go all 'touchy touchy' with all the other guys, okay?" Mitsuba declared. "You may be an idiot, but now, you're my idiot.."

"I would like that," you chuckled.

Hanako x Reader
Tsuchigomori x Draughtswoman!Reader
Tsukasa x Reader
Kou x Reader Angst
Yugi Twins x Reader
Jealous!Hanako x Reader
Hanako x Reader
Hanako x Jealous!Reader

Edit: fixed a few errors.

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