48: tsukasa

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The dark was something (Y/N) prefered. She liked it's warm embrace. She liked how it swaddled her like a child and how it allowed her to hide, cloaking her from others' sight.

She liked the dark, so what was her wish for Tsukasa? To be able to be in its soft embrace once more.

So what did Tsukasa do? She took away her sight.

It's not Tsukasa's fault, though. Not particularly. (Y/N) wanted to be in darkness, so he did just that. Now, (Y/N) was blind, helpless. A spirit can only have so much help.

Humans can also only do so much, especially when they don't notice you.

Even though Tsukasa did something he was sure would untie the knot, (Y/N) stood firmly.

If she heard Tsukasa, she'd smile at where she heard him. If Tsukasa were to lead her straight into a wall, she laugh at her own dismay. If Tsukasa were to outright bully her, she'd hold her breath and apologize, even if she did nothing wrong.

Frankly, this Tsukasa in a foul mood..

"You want to see your family in the afterlife? What makes you so sure you'll end up where they end up?" he said to one of his clients before sending them far away from the near shore.

"His wish was to always be remembered, right? A rumour like this is sure to be remembered, even if it's against his will."

"Now, go, Mitsuba. Your only purpose now is to destroy."

The past month, Tsukasa had been extra mean to both his clients, his friends and his brother. Not to (Y/N), though, she was someone he wanted to protect.

But why? Why exactly did Tsukasa want to protect the very spirit he ruined?

Maybe, just maybe, he took away her sight so she would lean on him just a little more..

That was only a thought, though.


(Y/N) sighed. The darkness' embrace was getting annoying. There was nothing special in an everyday occurrence. Though, her blindness had given her a new ability; enhanced hearing. (Y/N) couldn't exactly complain, either, darkness was something she asked for. Something given by Tsukasa.

Sure, he would be mean to her occasionally, but (Y/N) didn't mind. In her mind, this was something she brought upon herself.

She was in the dark, yet nothing was cloaking her from other peoples' thoughts.

How strange, the blind spirit laughed at herself.

She then heard someone enter the boundary.

"..y," it said. Voice sounded like Tsukasa.

(Y/N) smiled in it's direction.

"Why?" it repeated. "I took your sight away. I left you in the darkness."

The spirit chuckled sadly. "Darkness is what I wanted. Thank you, Tsukasa."

Her body then started fading. (Y/N) smiled. "Remember when we were kids? I always hid in my blanket.."

Tsukasa's eyes widened and, all of a sudden, memories came flooding back. They were memories of why he wanted to take her sight away; memories of the girl who never let people help her.


"Hey, (Y/N), hey!! WAKE UP!" A living Tsukasa Yugi screeched, shaking a tired, past (Y/N), from her comfortable position.

"Ugh.. I'm awake, Tsukasa..." She forced out, slurring her words a bit. Tsukasa had just taken her away from her blanket's warm embrace.

"Then get out of bed!!" Tsukasa shouted, almost pulling the blanket off his friend. "We're going out with Amane!!"

(Y/N) sighed, grumbling a curt "..fine," before slowling shifting in her bed. It was a summer afternoon. The time when kids her age were out and about doing summer things, like shopping with their friends or swimming.

"D'you need help getting out?!"


Tsukasa neared to the tired, and grumpy, girl's ear. "Are you sure?~" he whispered softly.

(Y/N) shivered uncomfortably. "Yeah."


Tears formed in Tsukasa's eyes. Why was (Y/N) fading?

"What makes you so sure you'll end up where they end up?" he said to one of his clients before sending them far away from the near shore.

The boy remembered seeing one of his clients fade. It was the one he sent to the far shore, the one that looked like how (Y/N) looked now.

"(Y)..." he let out. "Don't leave me, (Y/N)!"

The spirit only smiled. "You brought this to yourself," she said, grinning sadly at Tsukasa. "I'll see you when you're ready to move on."

But there was no way Tsukasa could move on. Not after the deal he made with Sakura. Not until Hanako were to-

"Øi. (¥/Ń)," Tsukasa said, grinning madly. "Ī'm nəver gøing wheŕə ¥øu're gøing. Hąve fun~"

He put on an angry, but childish, face while his best friend left to the far shore.

But on the inside, he was screaming.

Hanako x Reader Fluff
Natsuhiko x Reader Angst
Yandere Hanako x Reader

A/N: H1, hø₩ ãřə ¥öü¿¿¿ Ī'V€ ߀əN hąvîñğ fûņ ₩1ťh țh李¡ Łøť§ øf fůń¡¡¡¡

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