36: hanako

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"Did it hurt?" He asked, floating overtop of you, watching you suffer in pure, bloody agony.

"..E-everything hurts, H-Hanako.." You stuttered. Even when hurt, you couldn't put your anger out on a single other being.

"No, I mean when you fell from heaven!" Hanako declared, shamelessly flirting with you as he did with the others that could see him.

You gasped, shocked from embarrassment. How could he say that..? Soon, you came back to your senses and responded. "I.. I didn't fall from heaven.. I fell from my bike.."

After staring for quite a while, Yashiro eventually grew tired of Hanako's pointless attempts at flirting and changing the subject, returning it back to your injured frame. "Can you please be helpful, Hanako? (Y/N)'s injured!"

"..fiiiine.." He complained.


"I may be dead, but I died for you." Hanako winked, floating ever so closer to your hesitant, small, (s/c) figure.

You blushed heavily, covering your mouth with your, now sweaty hands. "You didn't die for me.. You died after you.." That's a personal subject.. "nevermind."

You lowered your head in both embarrassment and shame. (H/C) bangs covered your face as you shyly avoided eye contact.


"Hey, (Y/N).." Hanako started, blinking at you once or twice.

"Yeah?" You looked up at him, blinking curiously.

"I've lost something-"

"I'll help you find it, Hanako.." You quietly suggested, trying to get yourself an excuse to just me near him.

"It's the way to your heart." Hanako extended his hand towards yours, eventually grasping your trembling hands.



One hot afternoon, while cleaning the classroom with Yashiro, she started a conversation with you, smirking slightly.

"You know, I've never seen Hanako so attached.." Yashiro trailed off.

"D-don't say that, Y-Yashiro..!" You pleaded, gripping your dusty, old broom harder and blushing heavily.

"Hm? Why not?" Her smirk only grew bigger.



"Hanako, do you know the answer to this question?" You whispered during a math test, unsure if you were correct or not.

"Yeah, it's 7." He smiled, floating overtop of both you and Yashiro.

"Thanks!" You smiled brightly at him, though your classmates only saw you smiling for no apparent reason.

"..It's.. too bright.."


"Your smile."


"Mabye he likes you!" Yashiro concluded, snapping her fingers for affect.

"N-no!" You declined, blushing hard while shaking your head furiously.

Curious, Hanako came over to the two of you, speaking. "Who likes who, now?"

You quickly turned your bode towards the source, Hanako, only to quickly blush harder and answer. "N-nobody!!"


"Hey, (Y/N).." Hanako started, not once has he ever spoken to you properly, and it started to get to him.


"I just realized I haven't had a proper conversation with you." The apparation avoided eye contact, swiftly looking away to some unknown land.

"..Yeah." I don't really mind it though, as long as you still talk to me. You thought, blushing lightly again.

"By the way, how much does a polar bear weight? Just by curiosity."

What the heck. "I-I don't know.. Sorry, Hanako.." You mumbled, sad that the first time your crush would properly talk to you, it was only useless trivia.

"It weighs enough to break the ice, dummy." Hanako flicked your forehead, pouting slightly.

"O-oh, yeah.."

"As you know, I'm Hanako, wanna be my girlfriend?"

Flirty!Hanako x Flirty! Reader
Hanako x Jealous reader
Tsuchigomori x Reader Pt. 2
Suicidal Tsukasa BroFic
Yandere Hanko x Reader
Hanako x Reader Soulmate AU
Hanako x Dominant!Reader
Yugi Twins x Reader Fluff
Tsukasa x Reader Fluff
Teru x Reader x Kou
Mitsuba x Reader x Kou
Jealous Teru x Reader
Yamabuki x Reader
Tsukasa x Reader Fluff
Hanako x Reader Fluff
Natsuhiko x Reader Angst
Yandere Hanako x Reader

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