44: tsukasa

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What's one thing Tsukasa likes the most, other than his beloved brother, of course. He absolutely adores the look of someone when they stop holding back. So, it's safe to assume he doesn't like the face of someone who holds everything back, right?


Now, to (Y/N). She's one who can hold quite a grudge. One who's too shy to actually go out and speak her problems to someone. She's been doing that for more than 50 years, and is almost at her limit.

So, it's safe to assume Tsukasa doesn't like looking at (Y/N)'s face, right?

Half right.

In truth, the childish ghost could never grow sick of (Y/N)'s somewhat blank face. Still, her expression disturbs Tsukasa quite a bit. Tsukasa's been watching the (H/C) haired girl hold her tongue in plain agony for more than 50 years.

Her voice was rudely taken away from her by Tsukasa, leaving her hands and actions to do the rest. Her eyes, desperately looking around the room for something, anything, that could help her from the condition Tsukasa put her in. Her throat, constantly tight from the wanting and needing of expressing herself in a way everyone can understand.

Sure, Tsukasa made (Y/N) like this, unable to speak, unable to communicate normally, but he wouldn't take it back.

After, that would make him a hypocrite, he'd be holding himself back from keeping her voice.

Her lovely, silky voice.

A voice that was now his to keep. Even if that means the rightful owner has to make an everlasting disturbing face, Tsukasa wouldn't give it back for anything.

-(Y/N)'s POV-

The night sky was beautiful, you had been staring at the sky for quite a while, now. You pointed out constellations and stars, admiring their far away beauty from the school's rooftop. The rooftop of a school you were bound to. A school you could never leave. A school you died in, one which lead you to a position with no future.

Polaris shone brightly above you, daring you to reach out and grab it. Sadly, you held back, just like your voice was held back from you.

"What are you doing in the school roof? Admiring things you can never keep? How silly~" A childish voice from behind you teased. You already knew who's voice it was, it was Tsukasa's voice. The stupid voice that put you in a terrible position. You ignored said voice and continued to point out constellations.

"Your actions say it all, (Y/N). Are you mad at me?" Tsukasa sounded like he was pouting. It didn't matter, you just wanted to point out that whenever Tsukasa pouted, it made you feel disturbed. It's better than his "jokes", or "death threats" as you'd call them.

More silence filled the space, silence Tsukasa couldn't bear.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed, shouting right behind you. You didn't turn to see the look on his face, but Tsukasa was probably smiling childishly. "Hey..~ (Y/NNNNN)....." And then a pout. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)!!"

Tsukasa's whining lasted quite a but, before you could hardly take it, anymore. You stood up and turned around in a flash, quickly forgetting the fact that Tsukasa had stolen your voice as price of a past deal.

"How much longer are you-!!" You mouthed, suddenly remembering the harsh reality. Your shoulders loosened, and you felt something wet in your eyes. Tears. Tears fell down from your cheeks as you were forced to look once more at the reality.

You sat back down, tears now flowing at this point, and crouched down, hiding your face. Don't look at me You thought.

Then, you felt something cold wrap around you. Arms. "There, there.." Tsukasa's voice said. "Your expression was more than enough, though I'm never going to return your voice, here's something to cheers you up:"

"Just like your voice, you're mine, and only mine, okay?"

Teru x Reader x Kou
Mitsuba x Reader x Kou
Jealous Teru x Reader
Yamabuki x Reader
Tsukasa x Reader Fluff
Hanako x Reader Fluff
Natsuhiko x Reader Angst
Yandere Hanako x Reader

Once this list is done, I'm either making a new oneshot book, or stopping TBHK oneshots.

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