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Rain's coming.

I thought to myself as I looked up at the dark sky. I was walking on a bridge over a calm soothing river on my way back to Hogwarts where I now reside as a professor of Charms.

I stopped, smiling to myself. It has been a while since I have played in the rain, so why not today? I had no other duties to attend to and the students were all back at Hogwarts by now. I was the last chaperone to leave Hogsmeade so I was sure no one would see me.

I smiled to myself as I felt the first droplet fall to my cheek. I looked up and closed my eyes as I let go of all inhibitions. Raising my hands to the air, I felt free. Free of all worries and fears. Free of all problems and conflicts. Just free.

I laughed as I felt my heart pounding in my throat. My clothes were soaking wet and my hair was just as damp but I didn't care. I just wanted to be happy.

I twirled around, still on that bridge, laughing and giggling to my heart's content.

Seeing a dark blur in my vision, I stopped and stood smiling as I recognized the lone figure. The figure was getting closer and closer. The man was holding a black umbrella which he probably conjured. He stopped just a meter away from me, not quite including me in the umbrella's range.

He raised an eyebrow at me and the corner of his mouth twitched upward as I smiled at him.

"What?" I asked.

"I never pictured you as someone who likes to frolic in the rain," he replied with a smirk.

"Well, I don't," I said, "I just - be happy in it." I smiled.

"And now you will get a cold," he said as he stepped closer to include me in the umbrella's radius.

He was a good six inches taller than me so I needed to tilt my head upward in order to see his face. I rolled my eyes as he glared down at me.

"What?" I said, looking down at his knees, or at least where his knees should be underneath those black robes, "I like rain. I like how I feel when I'm under it."

"And what do you feel?" He asked in that voice that would make anyone fall in love with it.

"Well, do you know that feeling when you just feel happy and contented like a child after Christmas? Or I guess like an Olympian winning a gold after years and years of heavy training and bitter disappointment?" I asked, "That's how I feel when I'm under the rain. They say that the rain renews the earth. Well, the rain renews me in some way I cannot explain. It also gives me hope that someday I will find peace because I have tasted it. Doesn't make any sense, does it?"

I peered up at his face and saw there was a soft smile on his features.

"No. No, it doesn't," he replied, "But in a way, it sort of does."

AN: Hey guys:) Sorry I haven't updated in a very long time:( I have soo many things to do and so little time. But I promise I would never abandon MJM. It may take years before I complete it but it will never be abandon:) anyways, what do you guys think of this story? Too silly? Hahaha! Sorry, I was in a playful mood and played in the rain before I drew this up.

Tell me what you think?^_^

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