Day 53 pt.2

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I got up walking to the door ready to see his sisters again. I opened the door and All of their eyes widened a little, but why?

"Oh, hey Fonner" one of his sisters said. I guess they weren't expecting me.

They seemed fine with it, I think I just caught them off guard. They all came in and mao mao hugged all of them.

I stood next to mao mao concerned if they made shin mao come with them.

"Where's dad?" They asked mao mao. He looked at me and looked back at them.

"He's not invited" he said holding my hand. They seemed concerned about why.

"How come?" One of them asked. "He kidnapped fonner and tortured him, he even cut off his tail" he said pulling me close to him.

They were shocked from the words he said. "He wouldn't do that, would he?" They asked me.

I showed them my tail and they gasped. "I was tortured for days, but now that I'm with mao mao I'm better" I said holding him.

"So that's why he has no tail" I heard a sister whisper. I couldn't tell if they were talking about me or shin mao.

We soon went back to mao mao's party and we were having fun talking about other things. Badgerclops told us that it time to eat.

We all sat down at the table which was 2 tables next to eachother. I sat down next to mao mao and one of his sisters.

Badgerclops poured the ramen into everyone's bowl, all of the same amount. Since he has his measurments.

Mao mao hugged me on my side and I heard a clank or something close to that, Mao mao heard it too.

"What was that?" he asked. I shrugged and we went back to eating and talking with everyone else.

After we all ate and we were in the living room, I snuck away from everyone to get my regular clothes.

I found them neatly folded on the dryer. I grabbed them and went into the restroom.

I took off my clothes and I slowly took off my bandages, luckily all my scars were healed.

I then remembered about the clank, I looked at the mirror and I turned my body to my left. I didn't see anything but when I lifted up my wing I saw something I didn't expect.

I saw a rainbow diamond in the shape of a heart right next to my wing. 'What the heck?' I thought as I touched it.

I never knew about having this, did I get it when I was made again? I tried to just leave it alone, maybe the king might know about this?

"So what happened to your other clothes? I think mao mao liked it" Rennof said as he was standing next to me.  "I'm tired of those" I said glaring at him.

I then remembered about my diamond, 'Does Rennof have one?' I thought as I looked at his side.

"Hey rennof, can you come here?" I said motioning him to walk with me. He followed me into the dojo, fortantly no one was in here,

"So what is it?" He asked crossing his arms a little concerned. "Do you have a diamond near your wing?" I asked.

He looked a little shocked at my question. "Yeah, what about it?" He asked. "Show me where it is" I told him.

He pointed at his side but it was near his left wing, but mine was near my right wing. "It's a silver upside down diamond heart" He told me putting down his finger.

Why do we have gems on us, and why is his like the opposite of mine? We went back to everyone, which were already getting the cake out.

The cake was placed down on the table in front of the couch, in front of mao mao. They took off the cover and revealed the chocolate moose cake and the other things on it.

"This cake looks amazing, who made this?" Mao mao asked. I shyly raised my hand slowly, grinning as he saw me.

"Well snugglemagne helped me aswell" I amitted. Mao mao smiled as probably knew I made it. There was a red candle in the middle, lit up by badgerclops.

We sung happy birthday to him as he sat there looking at the burning candle. After we finished he blew out the candle.

"What'd you wish for mao mao?" Adorabat asked him. "I wish to protect the valley forever" He said smiling brightly.

After everyone got some cake it was time for the presents. His sisters got him a bunch of hero items, mostly katana wipes and sharpeners.

Adorabat gave him a really cute drawing of mao mao. Badgerclops gave him some work coupons for him to use so badgerclops has to do work.

I ran up to grab my present as he was opening his other gifts. I ran back down holding the golden box with red ribbons behind my back.

After he got done I gave him the present. He slowly unwrapped the ribbons and opened the box.

Inside was a robotic cat tail. He picked it up and put down the box. He stood up and handed me the tail.

He turned around and I attached the metal tail to his stump that used to be his tail. He turned back to me and flicked his tail happily.

He hugged me with tears on the edge of his eyes. "Thank you so much Fonner!" He said as I hugged him back.

"Your welcome mao mao" I said kissing his forehead. He let go of me wiping his tears. Adorabat jumped on his head and hugged him.

He was startled by this and his fur jumped up to a point, badgerclops laughed at this. Mao mao smiled as he was hugged by his sisters.

I saw snugglemagne sitting down smiling but I could tell something was on his mind. As mao mao was hanging out with everyone else I walked over to the king.

"Hey snugglemagne, are you okay?". I looked at me, "I'm fine fonner, I'm just a little upset about something, but I can't find out why" He said looking at mao mao.

"Maybe you should go see blue, he's a phyciatrist and a good one at that" I said trying to give him a solution. He smiled at my awnser and I felt his arua feel happier.

After a little past midnight everyone left. I was sitting down on the bed in our room drawing in my sketchbook, mostly just grafetti art demos.

I heard the door open and I looked up to mao mao walking in with a tired arua around him, even I felt it.

"I'm guessing your tired" I said grinning. He gave me a irritated look with his tired looking face. I put away my stuff and I held my arms open for him.

He climbed on the bed and fell into my arms. I held him as he snuggled his face into my chest. I was gently petting his head.

I soon heard him quietly snoring and purring. I laid down and I soon fell asleep with him.

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