day 2

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I woke up to the bright life of the sun. Luckily my visor made it shaded enough so I wouldn't go blind.

I got up and noticed my bag was gone, 'did it fall down?' I asked.

But before I could go and check, A loud alarm ranged in the inside.

It was the "monster alarm" they said when I heard them running down somewhere and then they flew up to me with a flying motorcycle*

"Get on, hurry!" Mao mao commanded me.

I jumped on it as I sat behind badgerclops. We flew off in an instant into the sky.

We were above the valley and saw a big scaly monster the size of a three story house.

Once we got lower I jumped off the arocycle as I was pulling out my rainbow machete.

I flew quickly and sliced the side of its stomach and It screeched in response.

I jumped away as it swung it's tail at Me. I looked behind it seeing them land and run to attack The Monster from behind.

I took out a knife and threw it at the monster's eye. The knife directly hit it's eye and it screamed in pain.

Badgerclops shot a laser at its back, as he was doing that mao mao was cutting it's arms.

I didn't see adorabat anywhere. I looked around and I saw adorabat floating slightly above the ground admiring mao mao.

I saw the monster about to attack the distracted bat. I ran as fast as I can and pushed adorabat out of the way.

We both nearly got hit from the claw of the monster. I looked at adorabat who was shocked but not from us.

I looked where she was looking  and saw a injured mao mao on one knee in front of the charging monster.

I couldn't let myself let him get hit.

I ran and pushed myself forward with a gust of wind with my wings pushing mao mao safely out of harm's way.

Yet I wasn't, as soon as I did I felt a tsunami of sharp pain flow instantly to the side of my body.

(Mao mao's view)

I was pushed out of death's way, I turned around quickly seeing Fonner being brutally rammed from the monster which had horn bumps on its face like armour.

I saw his visor break as he was knocked into the walls surrounding the valley.

When he hit the wall a huge crack was in the wall as he was in a sitting position with his back on the wall.

I quickly got up and grabbed my katana and attacked the monster.

After we killed the monster I ran as fast as I could to fonner. He hadn't moved since he was hit from the monster.

I noticed something that I thought I could only see in a terrible nightmare. There was a splatter of blue blood on the wall and a big puddle of it on the grass.

I grabbed his motionless body and lifted him up to see where the blood was coming from.

I didn't see anything in front of his body, but when I turned around my eyes shot open from something I couldn't think ever could happen.

In the back of him was his own rainbow machete halfway into his back. I picked him up and carried him to the arocycle.

Badgerclops was covering adorabat's eyes from the horrific and gruesome scene that was unfolding.

I knew it would be bad if I took out the blade. "Badgerclops you need to drive" I told him as I was sitting down with Fonner facing me while we were on the back.

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