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thirty-six. let her go

Salvatore Boarding House

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Salvatore Boarding House

Caroline is writing a to-do list for Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes' funeral; talking to Luka, Minerva, Elena, Isaac, Matt, Rosie, Tyler, April, Stefan, and Ben in the living room. The much younger caramel brunette is looking around, as if looking for someone-- or something while the blonde is about to talk that the other chestnut brunette questioned her about what's bothering her.

"I can't find her." The Devon girl said in distress with a genuinely tired sigh.

"Her who?" The Gilbert girl asked cluelessly, which earns them a truly puzzled look from two of their friends-- April and Luka, to be precise.

"You've all asked what you can do to help." Caroline began, "There are five days' worth of projects on here. We are going to do them in one. We can break the rules and cut through the red tape. I expect my mom to be properly celebrated and buried by the end of the day. Don't screw this up." Otherwise, she won't hesitate to break either one of their necks for good.

"Sure, Care. Whatever you need." Her blonde ex-boyfriend remarked.

April, Tyler, Isaac and Stefan nod their head along in simple agreement.

"Minerva and Elena, you two are coming with me." The Forbes girl spoke.

"Where are we going?" The mentioned latter asked after she sends a quick glance at the former, who seems genuinely curious and determined.

"Casket shopping. Let's move!" The blonde vampire declared.

The three girls walk through the main front door and onto the front porch.

"Okay, who's driving?" The curious chestnut brunette opened up.

"Me." Minerva Devon simply answered with pure determination.

"Great. I sent my car to Jeremy." The older brunette vampire updated.

"Wow. Lucky him." The caramel brunette implied that Elena hums.

"Jeremy! I forgot to put him on my list of people to call." Caroline voiced.

"It's okay. I called him." The mentioned teen's vampire sister replied.

"Yeah, and what about Bonnie?" The young banshee suddenly brought up.

They all stop in their tracks at that and Elena sighs in a tired but surprised manner as she looks at her once again, "Is that who you're looking for?"

"Yeah? What? You are inviting Bonnie, right?" The nineteen-year-old said.

Caroline and Elena share a puzzled look before the former spoke grimly, with no time for jokes for the day, "Um, have you forgotten where she is?"

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