Impressive and flirting Tranning

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I woke up and i decided not to take a shower because i was just gonna sweat and i will take a shower after the workout with dean Ambrose he is so cute when he wrestles, except i don't know him like that. I got out and put my phone on the charger and i then got dressed. i never put make up on because I'm just too pretty. so i find my nike gear and i then grab mg phone and i put it in my bag with my chapstick,and my wallet. i then grab my keys and then run to my pink jeep i got it when i finished collage.i drove to the developmental Center and i grabbed my bag and i put my bag on the turnbuckle. and waited for ambrose.


I walked out of my room door with roman and seth. "yo boys i gotta train taminas lil sis Danielle and what she doesn't know is that she has this week to finish training so she can debut and I'm gonna make it hard for her"i said "look why do you gotta be an ass, to people" seth said "shut up and just hurry you dont wanna get fired for this crap.


Im sitting on the turnbuckle and i see dean come in with his goons. seth start eyeing me up and down with his mouth open.thats what every guy did to me. roman looked me up and down and whipped his nose,and dean all he did was drool and stare. "h..h...hi'm dean Ambrose I'm part of the awesome team called the shield, I'm also called the lunatic fringe. he heald out his hand. I shook his hand. He then started teaching me about moves and how to do then i then copyed after every thing he did an then when i learned every thing we had a match. we locked up, then i had him in a head lock, and he reversed it and did an irish whip, i then got up and recovered from that and him with a 619 by rey misterio. and then seth gave me the three count. "1-2-3!" And then dean looked at me how did you recover from that irish whip? "I don't know" i said "how did you know the 619? My sister taught me. "Danielle so what do you plan on doing when you become wwe diva? " I plan on making lots of friends and doing what the authority says so i wont end up like brie bella, and Nikki bella, and that i can end up like me awesome,pretty,smart,and weird. i said. "hey we never called you any of that!".dean said "oh yea dean your still drooling,seth your mouth is still open ,and roman is still checking me out!" " Well i will see you guys later!" I said "Hey where are you goin?" They all said i ran back and we traded digits. and turned around "to go home and text my boyfriend! I ran to my car and started the car and drove home. i walked in and my dad was on the couch with my mom cuddling with popcorn. I then tip toed over to where they were and grabbed the bucket and i thought about it and realised that i don't need the calories so i drove to the store and brought as many packs of gatorade that i could buy, i then went home and made some taro which is like Samoan plantains but really sweet they're like really good to eat. i then started frying them (17 minutes later) i turned the stove top off and put my taroś on a plate and and grabbed a gatorade and walked to my room,and sat on my bed,i then heard knocking at my balcony and i opened it to see Darren he came in "hey babe he said in between kisses" "i missed you i said" he didn't say any thing he started feeling on me he didn't talk he just kept on kissing my sweet spot i then smelled cotton candy i don't smell like cotton candy i pushed him and slapped him put him in the arm breaker and broke his arm. "you cheater" i the kicked him out my house

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