Airport and seating

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I drove to the air port and saw every one getting paired up.
Bray,big show
Cesaro,cm punk
Dean ambrose,darren young
Big e,russev
Randy orton,elena
Aj lee,big e
Dolf ziggler,fandango
Eric rowan,roman reigns
Seth rollins,heath slater
Layla,ashley marasso
Kelly kelly,michelle mccool
Jinder mahal,kofi kingston

I really didn't know how to feel about sitting with randy orton, i watched him on raw and wow he was great he never lost a match by submission, or disqualification which is impressive i mean if you look at his body then Daniel Bryan's i mean randy is an A+ player i mean i used to crush on him until i realised that I'm a nerd and a samoan there's no way in hell my cousins are not letting me date any one. every one got in line and gave the ticket lady my ticket i walked on the plane and carried my Suite cases with me randy walked to the third seat in the back i started trying to put my suitcases on the luggage packer "randy can you please help me with this he got up and helped me."thanks randy" "no problemo cutie" he said "i then started blushing he saw me blushing and just smirked. i elbowed him in the chest and started laughing because he started coughing and holding his chest." hey,i think we will be besties"i said "yea, your kinda cool."he said i started laughing" i burst out laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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