Chapter 5

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Dean, Sam, Gabriel, and Cas walked up together to where Crowley was standing. “Hello boys” Crowley said as they approached. “Hey Crowley” Sam mumbled to his room mate. Sam seemed to be the only one who didn’t want to go today. “You guys got all of your stuff, we won’t be returning for a couple days” Crowley told them. “Just one question. Why are we going to a lake when it is cold out?” Dean asked him confused. “Don’t worry squirrel it is supposed to warm up tomorrow. They are saying strangely warm whether for December” Crowley told them. “Cool, I’m ready to swim” Dean said


Dean got into the passenger seat next to Crowley. Sam, Gabriel, and Cas all climbed into the back; Gabriel in the middle, Sam behind Crowley, and Castiel behind Dean. Crowley drove out and after about an hour they arrived at his lake house. The house was a large, two story house, with lots of windows. In fact there was an entire wall that was a window that was facing out to the lake. “Holy shit” Dean breathed. “You like it? It is my parents but they don’t come often so they let me bring friends up here sometimes” Crowley told them. “Sweet house!” Gabriel exclaimed from the back seat. “Thanks. You guys can get your stuff and follow me into the house, I’ll show you the guest bedrooms” Crowley said.


The four boys did as they were told and brought their stuff in. The bedrooms were all on the second floor, and there were a total of five, one per boy. “You guys can take which ever room you want” Crowley told them. They each walked into their respective rooms and put their suitcases down. “So when is dinner?” Dean called from his room. “I don’t know, what do you want?” Crowley answered. “Lets do pizza” Gabriel called. “What does everyone want on their pizza?” Crowley asked as he stuck his head out of his door. “Cheese” “Pepperoni” “Mushroom” “Pepperoni” Each of the four boys said. “Okay, so a pepperoni, a cheese, and a mushroom” Crowley confirmed. He grabbed his phone and made his order.


After about an hour the pizza arrived. “Guys pizza” Crowley said as he carried the boxes in. “So, does anyone want to play clue?” Gabriel asked holding up the box. He had spent a complete hour going through Crowley’s games trying to find the right one. Everyone agreed to playing clue. They made a circle on the ground and handed out the cards to everyone.


“I’ll go first” Dean said snatching up the dice. He rolled a six and a two. Dean moved Mr. Green eight spaces into the ballroom. “Okay” Dean looked through his cards. “My guess is… Professor Plum, in the ballroom, with the candlestick” Dean said. “Sorry squirrel, I have the candlestick” Crowley told him holding it up. “Dammit” Dean said and made an ex where candlestick was.


Crowley grabbed the cards next and rolled. He got two fives. He moved his piece, he happened to be Mrs. White much to his distaste, into the ballroom where Dean was already. “Hello Dean” He said as he glanced through his cards. “Mrs. Peacock, in the ballroom, with the revolver” Crowley said. “I have the revolver” Cas told him. “Okay” Crowley said and crossed that off on his.


Gabriel grabbed the dice next. He rolled and got a three and a four. He moved Professor Plum but was stopped short right in front of the door. “Damn, so close! If only I had gotten two fours of a five and a three” Gabriel complained. “Well you didn’t so such it up” Dean said. “Dean-O that is really rude” Gabriel said, pretending to act offended. “Like you care” Dean said. “Yeah you are right, I could care less” He said and he handed to dice to Sam who was sitting next to him.


Sam took them and rolled. He got two sixes. “Damn Sammy, you are good at this” Dean said to his brother as Sam moved Colonel Mustard into the lounge. “Okay, my guess is Miss Scarlet, in the lounge, with the rope” Sam said. “Haha Sammy, I have the lounge” Dean said. “Okay” Sam said and he marked it.


Cas took the dice and rolled. He got a one and a four. So he moved Mrs. Peacock five spaces but didn’t go in anywhere so he just handed the dice to Dean. Dean rolled for second time. This time he got a two and a five. Dean left the ballroom and moved into the billiard room. “Okay, Professor Plum in the billiard room, with the knife. “I have Professor Plum” Gabriel told him. “Dammit, I was sure it was him” Dean whined and exed it out.


Crowley took the dice and rolled. He got a three and a six. so he moved into the kitchen. “Mr. Green, with the led pipe, in the kitchen” Crowley said, a bit to sure of himself. “Sorry to burst your bubble Crowley, but I have Mr. Green” Gabriel said. “Bollocks” Crowley muttered.


Gabriel grabbed the dice and rolled a one and two. “Thank god I’m in front of the door” He said as he moved his piece in. “Mrs. Peacock, with the rope, in the study” Gabriel said. “I have the rope” Cas said. “Dammit Cas” Gabriel said and marked it off.


Sam grabbed the dice and rolled a four and a six. He moved across the hall into the dining room. “Miss Scarlet, with the knife, in the dining room. “I have the dining room moose” Crowley told him. So Sam crossed that out and handed it to Cas. Cas rolled but only got two ones. “Don’t worry you are almost to a room Cas. Slow and steady does wins the race” Dean said, putting a hand on his friends shoulder and grabbing the dice.


Dean rolled a one and a five. Dean moved into the Library. “Okay, Mrs. White, with the led Pipe, in the library” Dean said. “Lets see. Oh I’m so sorry Dean, but I just seem to have the Library in my hand” Crowley told him. Crowley didn’t bother rolling and moved his piece into the study through the secret passageway. “Okay, Colonel Mustard in the study, with the led pipe” Crowley said. “I have Colonel Mustard” Sam said.


Gabriel grabbed the dice and rolled, getting a five and six this time. “Finally some large numbers” Gabriel said happily and moved his piece into the hall. “Miss Scarlet, with the wrench, in the hall” Gabriel said. “I have the wrench” Sam told him. “Dammit Samsquach” Gabriel said and marked it off his list. Sam took the dice and rolled a five and a four. Sam moved his piece into the ballroom. “Mrs. White, with the wrench, in the ballroom” Sam said. “I have the ballroom” Dean told him. Sam crossed it out and handed the dice to Cas.

He rolled and got a three and four. He moved the rest of the way into the conservatory. “Mrs. Peacock, with the led pipe, in the conservatory” Cas stated right out. No one said anything, so Cas grabbed the envelope in the center and opened it up, he read it to himself and laid the cards on the game board. Mrs. Peacock, with the led pipe, in the conservatory” Cas read the cards. “Dammit Cas, how are you so good at games?” Gabriel questioned his brother, who shrugged and said. “I just am really good at listening”.

The Adventures At An All Boys Private High School (Sabriel&Destiel AU) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now