Chapter 11

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The four boys gathered in Sam’s room, since they all didn’t mind Crowley. “Well today has been a really strange day” Dean said. “Yeah. You can say that again Dean-O” Gabriel said as he a piece of candy and placed it in his mouth. “It probably can’t get any weirder” Dean mumbled as the was a knock at the door. Sam got up to answer it, since it was his room. Bobby was on the other side. “I didn’t believe you boys, but after what I saw on the camera… You boys may have something to your stories after all” Bobby told them as he walked into the room. “I stand corrected. It just got weirder” Dean said watching Bobby enter.


Bobby placed a laptop onto the desk and opened up the camera. “I have this set to fifteen minutes before the fire, around the time classes got out. You see Gabriel walk past then nearly fifteen minutes later four all walk by, and not a minute later a man walks into the room. He looks at the camera for a split second and… There” Bobby stopped the camera as the man looked, his eyes were yellow, exactly like the yellow eyed demons were. “Holy shit. We were right” Gabriel said. “I don’t know whether I should be glad we were right, or scared shitless that this thing is back again” Dean murmured. “That is a good question” Gabriel told him. “I just figured that you boys would want to know that” Bobby told them. He closed the laptop and left the room. "You know what, why don't we relocate" Gabriel suggested, glancing over at Crowley, who had become interested in their conversation. "Good idea. I don't think Kevin is in my room tonight. I think he is hanging with friends, so we can go in there" Dean suggested. "Works for me" Sams said.


The four of them stood up and walked across the hall to Deans room, and Kevin was in fact out of the room. Dean sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. Cas accepted his invitation, but Gabriel and Sam didn't move. "I left something in my room, I'm going to go grab it" Sam said and walked out. "I'll come with you Samashquach I need to grab more candy anyways" Gabriel called after Sam and ran out of the room too. "So looks like it just us two" Dean said, he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling slightly awkward around Cas. "Hey Cas, I just wanted to say sorry for telling you that I was going to kill you. I was worried Sam wouldn't like me anymore, and I wasn't thinking clearly" Dean told him. "It's okay Dean, I forgive you. It would take more than that to ruin our friendship. You are my best friend, and best friends say those things to each other sometimes. We wouldn't be best friends if we didn't" Cas said. "Yeah, I guess you are right" Dean told him, he was still feeling awkward though. "Is there something else bothering you Dean?" Cas asked him. He was just looking out for his friend. "Yeah I just..."


Dean's kiss caught Cas off guard, but he kissed him back after a moment. Dean broke away when he realized what he had done. "I'm sorry I shouldn’t have done that, that was wrong" Dean looked at the ground ashamed. Cas lifted his head and smiled at him. "It's okay, I enjoyed it a lot" Cas said and this time he kissed Dean.




Sam waited for Gabriel out in the hall. "Dude that was a lame excuse" Gabriel said after he had closed the door behind himself. Sam shushed Gabriel. "Sorry, God" Gabriel said. The two of them turned around and Gabriel peeked in through the keyhole. "What's going on?" Sam asked him. "They are just talking right now. Wait... No, I stand corrected! Dean just kissed Cas! Wait now he is apologizing, oh but Cas just kissed him now!" Gabriel said. He threw his hands up in the air in success. "See I told you he was gay!" Gabriel said, clearly to excited. "Yeah you did Gabriel" Sam rolled his eyes. "You owe me five dollars" Gabriel laughed. Sam sighed and pulled out his wallet. He had hoped that Gabriel would forget about that bet, but that hasn't happened. He handed Gabriel a five as the door opened. "Dammit I should have know it was you two out here making so much noise" Dean voice came from the open door. "Hey Dean-O" Gabriel said trying to act cool. "We were going to come it, but you and Cas seemed to be having a moment so we figured we would wait" Sam lied. "Yeah, sorry, not believing you Sammy, because I could heart blabber mouth over there the whole time" Dean said pointing at Gabriel. "What! I am shocked that you would even say something remotely like that Dean" Gabriel said trying to act hurt. "Dude you know it's true. You are so loud I'm sure the guy at the end of the hall could hear you" Dean told him. "Fine you are right; I am loud, but that doesn't mean he was lying" Gabriel defended for Sam. "Gabriel, I know my brother, I know when he is lying or hiding something" Dean told Gabriel. "Fine! You win! We were watching, because we had a bet on who would make the first move. I totally thought you were Dean-O, but Sammy thought it was going to be my little bro" Gabriel explained. "Just don't spy on us again. You guys sound like freaks saying that" Dean told them. "Dean I'm going to go back to my room. I'll see you tomorrow" Cas said, walking up behind Dean. "Yeah, see you Cas" Dean said giving him a smile. "See you Cassie" Gabriel gave his brother a wave and both him and Sam took the chance to ditch.


Dean shook his head, but he was smiling to himself. He was glad that he finally had the courage to kiss Cas, and that it didn’t ruin their friendship but made something new with it instead. He climbed into his bed, staring at the ceiling, and fell asleep wondering what was next.




Cas walked into his room. His roommate was already so he changed quietly in the bathroom. He was still confused as to what had just happened between him and Dean. One minute they were just talking and the next Dean had kissed him. He wasn’t complaining though. He had liked Dean since the first time he had seen him, but he didn’t think Dean liked him that way so he had decided to just keep things strictly friendly between him. It turned out he was wrong though. ‘I’m glad I was wrong’ Cas told himself smiling. He climbed into bed, careful not to make a sound and fell asleep.



The first thing Gabriel did when he returned to his room was text Sam. ‘Sammy I still can’t believe that actually happened tonight! I figured we would have to ditch a few times before one of them finally got up the courage and kissed the other’ He sent. ‘I know what you mean. Especially since it was Dean to make the first move. Dean has always been straight. Even when I suggested the idea of him and Cas, he still said he was straight’ Sam returned. ‘Man, Dean is as straight as a circle’ Gabriel sent. ‘Haha, very funny’ Sam sent back, rolling his eyes. ‘Hey it’s true’ Gabriel insisted. ‘Yeah, I wouldn’t have believed that a week ago’ Sam sent. ‘Yeah, it was pretty obvious that he liked my little bro, so I don’t know what kind of weeks you guys are talking about, but I’m pretty sure he has been checking Cas out since your first day’ Gabriel retorted. ‘What ever Gabriel. I’ll see you in the morning’ Sam sent as he rolled him eyes yet again. ‘Night Sammy’ Gabriel sent, grinning. Both Sam and Gabriel shut their phones off and let themselves fall asleep.

The Adventures At An All Boys Private High School (Sabriel&Destiel AU) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now