Chapter 16

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A few days later they were in the car on their way back to the school. “So, who want’s to play I-Spy?” Gabriel asked, trying to find something to do. No one said anything and the car went silent again. Bobby was letting Dean drive the car, since he had his licence but not a car. Bobby was in the passenger seat. The three other boys were in the back seat, trying not to panic at Dean’s reckless driving. He was speeding, and looked away from the road very often to talk to Bobby, and each time Bobby would tell him to keep his eyes on the road and slow down.


After the dreaded drive though, they made it to the school. Everyone was starting to arrive and parents were saying last goodbyes to their kids. “You boys go unpack, classes begin again tomorrow” Bobby said as he got out. “Okay Bobby” Dean said. The other three boys had already ditched the car, finally free of Dean’s driving. They waited not far off for him to catch up though. “Dude, don’t drive again” Gabriel told him, pointing his finger up at his face. “Yes mom” Dean said, and although he was laughing with the others, he felt a painful weight in his heart.


The boys arrived in their rooms and quickly unpacked their things. None of them really had much to unpack. Dean messed with his necklace, unsure of what to do now. He was still worried about his dream, although Cas didn’t know about it. He wasn’t sure what the dream had meant. Was Cas going to die? Surely he wouldn’t. But the nagging sensation in Dean’s gut told him otherwards. Cas was one of the yellow eyed demons victims, or attempted victims, But he hadn’t died. Cas had lived just like his brother had, and the yellow eyed demon was already after his brother. Another thought occurred to him then. Was he wrong to not tell his father about Cas? About how Cas was also being hunted by the same killer. His father probably would have used Cas as bait or something. He would never do that to Sam, but with some other unwilling victim… His father was better off not knowing.


A knock at his door pulled Dean from his thoughts. He opened it and smile down at Cas, who was standing there waiting patiently for him. “Hey Cas” Dean said smiling at him. “Hey Dean, is something wrong? I’ve been knocking for a minute or so” Cas said. “No, I was just thinking” Dean said, not entirely lying. “About what?” Cas asked curious. “About you” Dean grinned and leaned forward to kiss Cas. Cas held his hand up and placed it against Dean’s lips. “What about me?” Cas asked, still prying Dean for answers. “About how much I missed you” Dean lied. “Mhmmm” Cas managed to get out before Dean kissed him. “Come on, I’m hungry” Dean said to him grinning.




Sam and Gabriel walked down the hall behind Dean and Cas on their way to their rooms. “Hey Gabriel, can I talk to you?” Sam asked him as he stopped. “‘course Sammy, you can always talk to me” Gabriel told him, stopping too. “I’ve been thinking for the past few days. That maybe we should… shouldn’t be together right now. Last time I was in a relationship and the yellow eyed demon was around… they died, and I… I can’t watch you die too” Sam told him, a few tears falling from his eyes. “Sam, I’m not going to die. It will take a lot more to kill me than that guy” Gabriel told him grinning, and hugged him. “Please Gabriel, I just want you to be safe, and this isn’t a suggestion. I’m telling you that… until this guy is dead… I don’t want to be with you… I don’t want you to get hurt… I can’t lose you too, like how I lost Jess.” Sam told him. “Okay Sammy, I can wait” Gabriel told him “Thank you for understanding Gabriel” Sam said and hugged him. “If we take much longer Dean and Cas will probably think we have other plans” Gabriel told him. “Yeah” Sam agreed.




Gabriel walked into his room. It was dark in there and he didn’t bother turning on the lights. He walked over to his bed and placed his bag on his bed. He reached into his drawer and pulled out an old friend of his. He knew Sam didn’t hate him, that wasn’t why Sam had left him, but he could help but feel like that was the reason that Sam had left him. He rolled up his sleeve and walked into the bathroom, still not turning on the lights. He held his arm over the sink and sliced once, then twice, and then a third time. The pain was a relief, but he had told Sam that he would stop. But Sam wasn’t going to be their for him any more, so what was the point in stopping. He was about to cut another another line when he heard someone chuckle behind him and grab him from behind. He grabbed both of his arms in a grip that was to tight for hims to break. “Now, now, Gabriel, you don’t want to do that. Wouldn’t it be much easier to just end it all. All this pain forever. To not have to deal with anymore problems and be rid of the world” A mans voice hissed in his ear. “If you are suggesting that I kill myself, then you are a bit late. I’m sorry, been there, done that” Gabriel said. His sass his only way of not losing his shit. “That wasn’t what I was suggesting” The man said.


Gabriel could feel his arm moving, and as they say in movies, resistance is futile. He couldn’t do anything against the man’s strength. Next thing he knew the man was plunging his own knife into his own chest. Gabriel let out a gasp and fell to the floor, hitting his head on the bathtub as he fell, and he slipped into unconsciousness as his made contact with the bath. The man was gone in a flash, almost as if he had never been there to begin with.




Sam could hear a loud bang from one of the other rooms. It was from a room close by and his first thought was Dean. If there was anyone that the yellow eyed demon could use to get to him, it was Dean. His second thought was Gabriel. He knew that he still cared about him, thats why he had done what he had to begin with. The yellow eyed demon wouldn’t know that though.


Sam ran into the hall and looked around. Cas was at Dean’s door knocking. “Cas did you hear that bang?” Sam asked. “Yeah” Cas said. “I’m going to check on Gabriel, will you check on Dean?” Sam asked him. Cas nodded. He turned back to the door and knocked again. Sam walked to Gabriel’s door and knocked. There was no answer so he knocked again and still there was no answer. “Gabriel?” Sam called through the door. He didn’t get a response. He tried the door knob and the door opened.


The room was dark when he entered so he turned on the lights. He looked around the room and breathed a sigh of relief. It was short lived though when he looked down and saw a small pool of blood coming from under the bathroom door. He opened the door, making contact with an object, and turn on the light. Laying on the floor, with a scary sized pool of blood and a knife protruding from his chest was Gabriel.


Sam slipped in and knelt next to him, lifting his head, where he saw was split open from where it his the bath tub. He stood up and ran to his brothers room. Dean and Cas were already walking down the hall to dinner. “Dean!” He called. His brother turned around smiling, but when he saw the scared look on Sam’s face and the blood on his hands and pants. “Sam, what’s wrong?” Dean asked, worried that something had happened to his little brother. “Where is Gabriel?” Cas asked, and that was when it hit him. Cas ran off past Sam, leaving the two brothers following after.

Sam and Dean entered and found Cas standing over his brother body. “We need to get him to a hospital or something” Cas said worried. “I’ll drive” Dean said, pulling Bobby’s keys out of his pocket. Sam lifted Gabriel and the three of them ran from the room. They were in the car and driving to the closest hospital, which happened to be right down the street from the school, in minutes. The arrived at the hospital barely minutes later, thanks to Dean’s fast driving. Sam carried him in with the other two following after him. “Please, we need help!” Sam called as they entered. “We need a medical team down here immediately!” One of the women at the desk called. Doctor arrived in seconds and were taking Gabriel away.

The Adventures At An All Boys Private High School (Sabriel&Destiel AU) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now