Episode 18: Got Venom? (❄️ ➤ 🇮🇩)

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Sammy's POV

Sarah and I ran up to the Don Box and grabbed our tip.

"We're going to Flores, Indonesia," I read.

"Hope that place is warm," Sarah suggested.


Don's POV

"Oh, it is. Flores, Indonesia is packed with beautiful empty beaches, majestic mountain ranges, and ominously silent jungles. Teams must fly to Flores, then take taxis to the Don box in this village. How do the locals keep tourists away from this island paradise? Nobody knows. But, it might have something to do with the komodo dragon problem. Teams will depart on three different cargo planes. Each taking off an hour apart based on when they arrived at the chill zone. So the front runners have a real advantage."

Suddenly, a narwhal popped one of the cargo plane's tires.

"Apparently, the narwhals are still upset about our ring toss game. Anyway, same idea but with two planes."

Just then, more narwhals begin popping the tires on the second cargo plane.



Sammy's POV (cont.)

Everyone else who hadn't received their tips, pressed the buttons on the Don Box in a hurry and made a break for to mention, Jacques screamed like a girl again as he and Joseé were running onto the plane.

So with all of us on board the still intact plane, we were all in a tie on our flight to Indonesia. As soon as the plane landed, all of us piled out. Sarah and I running behind the Sisters and in front of the Reality TV Pros. We were quickly passed by the Ice Dancers who took a luggage cart.

"Bye, bye! See you at the finish line!" Joseé taunted as she and Jacques passed by. But, instant karma was served to them when they turned back around to avoid the plane that was going back.

I called back to them with a smile on my face, "Alright, we'll meet you there!" After a short run, we stopped by the road, "Taxi!"

Owen and Noah caught up to us a second later, "We need a taxi!"

"Hey, Noah! Over here!" Emma called us, with a taxi ready. We ran over to get inside the taxi; it was a little tight squeeze.

"Just look at that: sapphire blue waters, hot, steamy jungles... I wish it just were the two of us." Noah flirted with Emma.

She sent back a smile to him, "Uh, Noah, we're not supposed to be dating 'til after the race."

"I know, I was talking to Owen." Wow... way to use sarcasm Casa-Noah.

Emma laughed, "You're too funny!"

We stopped at a komodo dragon sign.

"Dragon crossing? Ha! I gotta get a selfie with this!" Kitty exclaimed with her cell phone out; I raised an eyebrow at her in response.

"OH!" Owen screamed and pointed at a komodo dragon approaching the car, "OMG! THAT IS TERRIFYING!" We all had wide-eyes as it stood in front.

I replaced my frightened look with a confident smirk, "Don't worry. As long as we're in the car, we're perfectly safe." Right after I said that, the dragon tore of the front bumper with its teeth and spat it out. We screamed in terror while Emma and Noah hugged each other on instinct.

"GO, GO, GO! RUN IT OVER!" Sarah order the driver. He was close: he missed it by a couple feet and hit the dragon crossing sign instead.

"This place is crazy!" Owen spoke in terror.

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