Episode 22: How Deep is Your Love? (🇻🇳 ➤ 🇷🇺)

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General POV

Sammy and Sarah ran to the Chill Zone, with Carrie and Devin close behind, quickly getting their tips.

"Catch a flight to Siberia." Sarah read.


Don's POV

"Siberia! This massive province of Russia is home to the Siberian tiger, Siberian husky, and probably anything else prefaced with Siberian. Teams will travel to this Russian airport to find this Don box to retrieve their next tip."


General POV (cont.) 

They split up when they got in cabs, and rode to the airport.

"So, the Axis of Evil will be targeting us, Emma & Kitty, or Devin and Carrie." Sammy said.

"Now would be a good time to make sure it's not any of us. We have to make sure one of them goes home. I suggest the Haters. Plotting their downfall will be easy." Sarah replied.

"True, but shouldn't we go after a bigger threat? Like the Ice Dancers or even the Cadets?"

"Maybe... We'll see what happens."

Just as the rest of the teams arrived we heard a message from the loudspeaker. "Welcome, uhhhh... aboard everyone."

"RUN!" Emma scream as she and Kitty ran ahead, with the Best Friends and the Cheerleaders following them.

"We are going to be, ummm (HURRY!)... closing the... uhhhh... cabin doors... ehhh (GO! GO! GO!)... any uhhh... second now for the taking off."


And the doors did close. Right after everyone else got on board.

"Woo-hoo!" Kitty cheered as they ran past the Ice Dancers and went to the back.

"That was too close!" Carrie agreed. 

"'Sup, Ice Dancers!" Sarah taunted her as they all went to the back of the plane. She growled in annoyance.




"Now we're all on the same flight and it's all because of that PILOT!!!"


*Glances at her while holding his magazine* "Why? Just because he... uhhh... spoke-uhhhhhh..."  *Joseé punches him in the face*



After a long flight, the teams ran to the Don Box to receive our tips.

Emma gasped. "We have to ice yacht to the Kola Superdeep Borhole-"

"-In our swimsuits." Sammy finished in a not-so-surprising tone. "Anyone really surprised?"

Everyone raised their hands.


Don's POV

"Each team must take on of these ice yachts and sail due north while wearing swimsuits. That's how the Russians used to do winter sports to show how tough they were." I then started flexing in my swim briefs to reference what I said until my ice yacht crashed into a rock.

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