Absconditus Mortifera (Hidden Deadly Things)

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I watched her plummet towards the Earth as one of the Fallen would if their wings had been torn off. Instead of finding myself overwhelmed with the vehement pleasure of witnessing this girl's demise I found myself rather confused as another unexpected, unexplainable emotion overcame me. I should have been as gleeful as a mischievous sprite that had successfully fooled a human into falling into their trap but I wasn't. What is wrong with me?!

Her scream shattered the night sky, slashing it to pieces, breaking its facade of peaceful demeanour. My feet unconsciously started to lift forward as if taking a step, a step that would send me descending after the girl.

"Don't save her, she is the cause of humanities destruction." An ominous voice whispered into the profundity of my mind.

My foot came to an abrupt stop in mid air. My head thrashed wildly from side to side trying to locate who the voice belonged to. I could not simply lie and say the voice didn't disturb me because in truth it did. I felt the pits of my decayed, blackened, besmirched stomach turn.

The splash caused by the water below being infiltrated by an entity that did not belong there brought my attention back to the fluctuating beast below. Without thought I leapt from the security of the bridge towards the heath that lined the sides of the beast. I landed soundlessly in a crouch amongst the wild shrubs that struggled to thrive in such a baron landscape.

Straightening myself upright I began to scan the waters surface to see if I could locate the girl. I could not see her and presumed that she had succumbed to the shear power of the beasts' infernal grasp. As I was about to turn and walk away I heard a loud gasp, an intake of air. An action no vampire needs to perform.

I focused back on the water and there she was, clinging to the muddy side banks. For a moment I envisioned my self sauntering towards her as subtly as a crouching tiger would if he were about to pounce on his prey. Kneeling before her I would entangle my fingers in the damp hair at the nape of her neck as a lover would before he tenderly places his lips upon hers. But my kiss would be the kiss of death. Then slowly but surely I would offer her to the beast, submerge her in his salivary embrace.

What was that? I blinked rapidly trying to shift the image that danced beneath my eyelids. My stomach once again began to churn as I recognised the voice from before. The unknown occupant of my mind was casually describing the scene they had purposely caused me to envisage as if it were destined to happen no matter what. Get out of my head! I internally screamed.

When I was sure that the voice that did not belong was abolished I turned my attention back to the girl. She was looking at me with blazing desperation and I noticed that her stamina was obviously declining as she struggled to fight against the tugging temptation of the waves. I found myself feeling as if I should rush to her aid. But I fought against this involuntary urge and instead strolled over to her, unhurried by her plight.

She watched my every step as if willing me with her eyes to move faster. When I arrived in front of her I crouched down; ignoring the thorny brambles that attempted to penetrate my solid bodily composition. I couldn't help but smirk at how pitiful she looked, like a cat that had been thrown into a bath it anxiously wanted to escape.

"H-Help me", she managed to articulate between chattering teeth.

"Oh but don't you see my dear, that would result in me violating the terms of our agreement. I'm supposed to leave you now, after all I've found out what I wanted to know. What more could you have to offer?" I rose as I said this creating the illusion that I was going to walk away when secretly I wanted nothing more than to drag her from the clutches of the beast.

"Wait! Please I'll tell you anything! Please don't let me die like this; I'll do anything you want."

I paused as if I were pondering whether or not I was going to save her when truthfully I just wanted to prolong her agony.

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