Uncharted Oc

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Name:Kyu drake

Pervious name:Kyu morgan

Age:21 permante


Personality quiet, cold, blunt, protective(toward her brothers) emotioness,cool- head, composed


Drake: step brother

Sam:step brother




Expert an hand an hand combat

Expert an use any firearm

Military and guerrilla experience

She can learn anything she read and see and keep it on her mild

She can find an solution to any situalation

Expert an stealth and assination


She was adopted by the Morgan it when she have 7

She was the big sis of both Sam and nate since she take care then

She is protective toward then if someone mess with then they gonnad have an beating

She doesn't show much emotion but she can smile sometimes

She don't remeber her past and try to find out

She was part an many guerrillas and mercenaries even was part of shoreline

She met Nadine there and get along mosty nadine feel bad for her

She feel comfortable an the battlefied like it was her home

She have an good taste for classic music, she have her own violin, and chelo

She is an mutil task girl

She was teach by Sullivan about fighting and use the firearms but the rest learn from her own

She unlike his brother nate he get part of the treasures they collect trough they adventures

An the Shambala she was very injure soo an act she jump to the fountain ans get inside allow to become immortal and stop ageding

An the desert when they find the recipe it was about to broke and kyu an a act not let the contain spread trough the world she grab it and trhow the contect on her an the unexpected all was seal inside her... Becasue of it she have nightmares but that don't affect her olso she have super human abilities but she never use unless it was really necessary olso her right eyes turn black with red iris

When she ask the natives of the desert about the content. They tell her it was an good vessel to keep the demons and evil from get free and tell then to not let get her head since they will haunted her

If she die the demons and evil will get release

She can only kill by legendary weapons and have an weakness to the anything holy and even church make her feel bad but she get use to it

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