Uther and Merlin

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    "She may never learn to love you, you know?" Merlin came from behind Uther, catching him off guard. He turned towards the direction of the voice, yet still, Merlin was not there. Uther had taken the trip to the castle of Tintagel that housed the inhabitants of the Duke of Cornwall, Gorlois. Including... a one known as, Igraine

"Yes, I'm quite aware, Merlin." Replied Uther, his voice irritable that the magician decided to just now put in his opinion.

"Then why do you persist in going this route of imminent destruction?" Merlin questioned, still hidden from sight. He was like a specter, Merlin's voice sounding as if it were inches from him. Merlin would do this often when he was prophesying and telling tales, to make you feel like he was a narrator to your very own story. It would be entertaining at times, but at this moment Uther felt peckish and anxious. It was not a time to test Uther's patience.

"Because to be with Igraine for even just a night.. For even just a split second, is worth an entire kingdom."

Merlin chuckled, "Yes, so I hear. I also hear that that is exactly what you offered the sorcerous. An entire kingdom."

Uther scanned the forest, trying to see if he could spot in the thicket any sign of the magician. "Yes," replied Uther, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance, "In a manner of speaking, I guess that is what I offered the Witch." Uther itched his beard, growing bored of Merlin keeping himself hidden from sight. He picked something from the hairs and flicked it carelessly to the side. He was alone in a forest anyway.

There was a long period of silence that began to drag on until Merlin cracked the Silence, "Fair as the lovely Igraine may be, You tread a path of catastrophe. You wish to self sabotage your own lineage and kingdom for a night with one woman. What if she resists? What if-"

Uther interrupted before Merlin could go on his petulant drivel. "Then she resists and she runs. That one night with her will suffice. I feel my death approaching anyhow." Uther spat in no particular directing or aim. "You've said this yourself. If I am to have an heir-"

Merlin returned with an interjection himself, cutting off Uther, "Yes! Yes, yes. If you are to have an heir then you must act in haste." Merlin grunted to himself. "I never said anything about being a fool, bedding with a foreigner or selling a whole kingdom." Uther could almost hear the Tsk-Tsk that would usually follow when seeking Merlin's council, "turning to the dark arts, you have." Merlin cleared his throat. "I gave you options, concoctions and-"

"Uncertainty," said Uther, "You gave me uncertainty and no reassurance that your methods would even work, Merlin." This had started to become a game of tag, who could interrupt at the perfect time and catch the other at a loss or off guard. Uther was not about to let the old man feel he had the better hand. Man, was an understatement when describing the... Spector.. Entity? Demon? He didn't exactly know what Merlin was, all that he knew was that he questioned his sanity from time to time since no one in all of Camelot ever paid attention or seemed to see the old... Sage? Uther decided then he would simply call Merlin a sage out of respect of neutral territory and not to offend him on either front of the realm of magic and medicine.

"I need certainty, I need to know your methods will work. And until you give that certainty then I have no other choice than to trust Li-"

"Don't!" Boomed Merlin, "Speak of her name." Was that a tremble in Merlin's voice? Certainly Merlin didn't fear witches, was Uther meddling with things he shouldn't have? Was Merlin scared? Was he, himself, scared? "Lest you summon her involvement." No, not fear.. Something else he couldn't quite pinpoint. Merlin was starting to show a sign of weakness.. But it wasn't from fear, No, something obviously and clearly troubled Merlin. Was the Lady not the correct choice? Even though things seemed to feel so right, falling into place and in his favor. So far.

"You fear her, don't you old man?" Uther threw the true first verbal strike, hoping that Merlin would take the bait and admit to his own fallacy. Uther, having years of service from Merlin knew that Merlin would like to jump around. If it wasn't fear, he would need to pinpoint just what exactly bothered the old man, so probing the wrong assumptions seemed the way to go, possibly tricking Merlin into revealing some hidden truth.

Uther began scanning the woods again, boredom and nerves getting in the way of his composure. Then, with no flash of light, poof of smoke, or grand entrance, Merlin appeared right in front of Uther's face, as if he had been standing there the whole time. Uther, half expecting this, yet still startled in the old man's ability of speed, Give him no quarter, thought Uther. Sometimes Merlin could be best described as an annoying old rag. There when you need it, but still holding a moldy scent, in truth, no knowing if it is helping, or adding to the problem. Uther held his ground and slightly flinched, closing his eyes for a good 2 seconds to focus on his breathing and hide his startlement at Merlin's abrupt materialization.

"That," offered Merlin, "is up for debate." Merlin stood a solid six feet tall, and that was with his back hunched in old age... presumably old age. Typical features of someone his... age... Grey hair, long and tangly, with a long wired beard that seemed to stretch a mile. His face pocked and littered with craters and wrinkles that had a very pale tone with brown patches. His teeth looked as if they would smell of rot. The bridge of his nose, long and crooked, above thin cracked lips. Uther detested the ways of Merlin. Always remaining mysterious, his appearance was always chosen given situations but Uther knew him best as the old man that stood before him. Merlin was mysterious, yes, but also never to the point. Especially when it came to presenting himself. Surely, Uther was mad for having Merlin as council instead of proclaiming him as the village joke.

"Tell me," Uther began, "You've said before you're thousands of years old with no physical body and yet, you take the embodiment of a hunched and weak old man." Uther paused, wondering if he should indeed pry into the enigma that was Merlin or if it would be more wise to remain ignorant of his ludicrous facade. After some silence, "Why?" Uther made his choice. Curiosity getting the better of him.

"Because surely then," Merlin paused, pointing to his eyes, signaling the feat of sight, "If I was anything but..." He trailed... "You wouldn't believe me." He cackled madly. Uther never understood Merlin's jokes.

The Lady, Teaser Chapters; in connection to the Genesis of ManWhere stories live. Discover now