Morgause and The Lady

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Morgause had never really liked her older sisters and always thought less of herself because of the way they had picked on her. I wonder, she thought, could I be making a mistake? Should I even bother following them when all they'll do is pick on me? Well, I could always just tell on them for sneaking out. She continued to think this as an actual option. A more reasonable option. They had betrayed her much already, why not return the favor. Both Elaine and Morgana were favorited in many ways, while she was not. Even in company she was looked over while her sisters relished in the congratulations they were always given. Her mother had shown love for them all equally, but her father only saw promise in Elaine and Morgana. Morgana to be Queen and Elaine to be married off to a most Noble house or family. She internalized these thoughts as she continued to walk the main dirt road. The trees almost looked taunting in the middle of the night, like arms with claws, trying to pick at her, grab her, catch her and then swallow her up! Monsters! It had become so dark. Her footfalls were light, she was getting much better at sneaking and remaining unseen. More unseen than she already was, she thought. Her confidence, which should have been more described as, ignorance, would lead her to carelessly keep on the main road instead of the tiny pathways about the forest line.

If Morgause had it her way, she would have both her sisters never be born! Then Pappy would have to love her the most! And mommy would love her even more than she already did! And she would be made Queen! And she would Marry the most Noble Prince there was! Morgause was tired of always being last in everything. The shadow of a shadow. Last to wake up, last to be born, last to be served dinner, last to get a pet or allowance and last to even being married to a prince if she made it that far in life! She had assumed the later. True, if her sister's were never around then life for Morgause would be just that much easier. She'd get all she wanted! Even the dumplings that Elaine always shoved onto her plate. Elaine was such a fat meanie or Morgana was too pretty! As she dwelled on her hatred for her sister's, Morgause heard something coming from a huddled amount of trees, humming. Yes, someone was humming music. She had never heard the melody before but it was beautiful. Morgause took a step off the main road and onto the narrow path that seemed to lead straight to this mysterious humming from a most mystical hummer.

She followed the pathway to a tree line that seemed to be like an impenetrable wall, however, the gate lay open for her perusal. The humming ceased. She heard a loud smack from, water? A splash? She stepped beyond the gaping maw of the trees and lay witness upon a body of water, it was a big lake! The thick lining of trees rounded about the edge of the waters, it was almost like the small pathway led her to the only opening, a doorway into a small room with a humongous puddle! She thought. Within its waters something moved, lightly about and submerged, with such ease. The figure emerged.. it was a beautiful maiden who was exceptionally graceful while she swam within the water. Her strokes looked like to have brushed against a silken bed sheet. As if it wasn't even water at all. The maiden, almost blended in with the green, blue water that shimmered like that of light reflecting diamonds.

Morgause was amazed and wished she could swim like that. Her sisters would always run off to the ponds and swim to the creek even, especially in times of flooding from heavy rains. She would either get left behind or taunted from the banks for not being able to swim very far or even at all. She was awestruck as the Lady would go beneath the water and not return for a long period of time, reappearing every now and again to float on her back. She could almost be certain that she seen a fish tail follow the Lady, in fact, she hadn't seen even a leg surface. It was then that Morgause found much excitement. She was in the presence of a mermaid! No.. that is stupid talk, she thought. It was odd enough that this lake to have been there, she could hardly remember there even being a lake around the castle, perhaps, she thought, she had found a secret place all her own! Her very own home away from home! Then she questioned her discovery. Was this where Elaine and Morgana ran off to at nights? Were they lying in wait, ready to jump out and scare her? Or had the merm— the Lady ate them? If only.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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The Lady, Teaser Chapters; in connection to the Genesis of ManWhere stories live. Discover now