Convincing Keith

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I don't own any of the characters, board games, or brands that may or may not be used in this story. This is my first FanFiction. Since I'm doing this behind my parents back, the upload schedule wont be normal. Also, sorry if I spell things wrong.

Anyways Have Fun.

Things change when you're gone for a long time. That was something that the paladins of Voltron knew best. Now that they were back on their home turf, and after Adam & Shiro's wedding, they all want to settle back and relax. They all made an agreement to pare off and move in with each other, so naturally Shiro moved in with Adam, and Hunk and Pidge were planning to move in together. It didn't take long for Keith to agree to move in with Lance. Constant pushing from Shiro, Adam, Hunk, and Pidge may had changed his mind about going back to his shack in the desert.

"You should move in with Lance." Pidge said, a smile dancing across their lips.

"What?" Keith looked up from his eggs with shock.

"Yeah, where else would you go?" Hunk said with a backwards glance at Keith.

Keith had never really thought about it. He could go back to his shake, but he was pretty sure it was destroyed from the attack on Earth. He hadn't gone back to see if anything was left, but they had only been back a week. But to move in with Lance? Where they even ready to do that? More like was Keith ready to do that?

"Well I could go back to find my place-"

"Back to the wreck!?" Shiro had came in, now looking at Keith in disbelief. "I thought we talked about this. You're not going back there alone."

"Shiro, I'm not a kid, I'm not going to get myself hurt."

"Plus, Lance could help him." Pidge said nudging Keith in the shoulder.

"Pidge has a point." Hunk said, turning with a plate of bacon.

Keith hid his face in his arms, "Please guys, I want to eat in peace. Lance and I will not live together, and there's nothing going to happen to us." Keith tried to hide the blush that was creeping up his neck, by continuing to eat. Keith had never thought of Lance that way till now.

"As long as you're not alone." Shiro said taking two plates and loading them with bacon and eggs.

"Fine, I'll take Lance." Pidges' and Hunks' faces lit up, "To get you guys off my back." Shiro smiled at the last comment.

"Taking that to Adam?" Keith said turning his attention to Shrio, who was pouring two glasses of Orange Juice.

"Yeah, he needs it." Shiro smiled, taking a dark bed tray, and putting the plates and glasses on it. "He's been working hard." Shiro smiled as he left.

"God, we need to move out." Pidge said to Hunk.

"Yeah, I need to be able to cook without hearing . . . that." Hunk finally said with a shudder. Which earned a chuckle out of Pidge and Keith.


A week later, Pidge and Hunk found an apartment, and Keith was still living with Adam and Shiro. Keith still hasn't called Lance, who is staying at his parents house. Should Keith call him now? It's been two weeks since their return home, and they haven't really talked since. Why? Keith was still asking himself that.

"When are you going to move out of my house!?" Shiro jumped as he walked into the living room, seeing Keith. "Just call him, please."

"Shiro, you're supposed to support my decisions." Keith said putting down his book. "Why can't you do that now?"

"Because I love you, and want you to grow up and conquer your fears." Shiro took Keiths' phone. "But, since you refuse to do it yourself, I'll do it for you."

"Shiro, please don't" Keith groaned.

Keith waited for Shiro to call him, but it never happened. Instead, Shiro started typing, meaning that he was texting him. Keith got up to take his phone back, but Shiro held it over his head with his robotic arm.

"Fine! I'll text him, just don't send whatever you have there." Keith said, stopping his efforts to grab his phone. "I don't want you to send off the wrong message."

Shiro smiled, and lowered the phone. "As long as you don't go back to the wreck without him." Shiro finally gave Keith his phone as Adam walked into the room.

"Could you two be any louder?" Adam said, making his way to the coffee maker. "There are other people in this house."

"Sorry honey, we didn't mean to." Shiro hugged Adam, kissing the back of his neck. "Maybe I could make it up to you, later tonight?" Shiro said with a smirk on his lips.

"Why not now?" Adam said turning to Shiro.

"Oh my god, I'm late to go pick up Lance." Keith said hurrying to get out of the house.

As Keith left, he went to his bike, tied his hair up, and started up the gas. Why do I do this for them? Strangely, he knew where Lance lived, and he knew it like the back of his hand. He felt his cheeks and ears burn with this thought. He drove faster onto the country roads that lead him to Lance's childhood home. Keith was curious on how Lance was doing, after Alluras' . . . passing. Lance was now part altean, which almost made him hotter. No, no, Lance wasn't hot, just good looking. The tall brunette flashed in Keiths' mind, causing him to smile slightly.

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