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Barracks Area
2/19th Special Weapons Group Area
Secure Area
Alfenwehr, West Germany

Everyone was drawn up again. Some of us were yawning and rubbing our eyes, others looked dead on their feet, others looked bored, and others looked completely rested. The Alphabet Dicks all looked like they were going to fall over dead from exhaustion except the CID cooze, who looked more irritated and eager to get on with things than anything else.

The LT finished looking at his clipboard and shook his head.

"Specialist Grouse, what is the current status of repairs," LT Wright asked the big female maintenance specialist.

Grouse went to attention and pulled her green notebook out. "Second floor repairs are completed, water piping and circulation systems are completed, electrical is at a hundred percent or at least as close as you can get with all the electrical faults in the system, sewage and drainage is completely repaired, positive air pressure system is repaired," She turned the page in her notebook. "Tile and cinderblock repair is finished except for the third floor administrative areas since it looks like someone used grenades up there."

That got a few people to glance at us.

"Motor pool, chow hall, dispensary are all unknown at this time, War Fighter Complex hasn't been inspected so I don't know what even needs repaired at this time," She stated. "As it stands, my team and I should be finished sometime in the next two days with barracks repair."

The LT nodded. "Corporal William Stillwater," He said. My brother went to attention, his green notebook already in his hand. "How has the refurbishing gone so far?"

"For the most part, it's finished. Broken and damaged furniture and the like has been replaced from the stocks we brought up. The files from III CosCom and V Corps are largely left in file boxes right now since I don't know the various filing systems. Grouse got the telecommunications lines working and the computers are largely networked at this time. We've got good signal from V Corps and III CosCom and 7th Army, but our overseas CONUS relay is spotty at best. Until the weather breaks I can't check the antenna relay and satellite uplinks since we're getting no signal from those no matter what Grouse tries."

The LT nodded, making notes on his clipboard.

"Other than that, I've mostly been doing security checks and keeping an eye on our wounded," Monkey shrugged.

"Thank you, Corporal," The LT said. He tapped his clipboard against his leg for a moment, staring at all of us. He looked uncomfortable for a moment then turned and looked at Aine.

"Private McCullen?" He said.

Aine came to attention. "Yes, sir?"

"What time is it?" The LT asked.

"Almost dawn," Aine said. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "My apologies, sir."

"It's all right, McCullen," The LT said. "Thank you."

Aine nodded, yawning again, and going to at ease.

"Any other business before I dismiss you all?" The LT asked.

"When we will be able to inspect the motor pool, chow hall, and dispensary?" One of the NSA agents asked.

"Never if I have my way," One of the CIA agents muttered. I recognized his voice as one of the ones that had survived our death run through the tunnels.

"Until we can be sure that it is safe to approach those locations they are currently off limits," The LT said. "With the snow, the darkness, and the cold, we cannot reach any of those locations now. Additionally, the very real threat of Alfenwehr's wildlife precludes any investigation until after they leave or can be run off."

End of Winter (Rewrite & Expansions into Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now