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"Ah fucking hell!" Zayn yells, standing from the couch and pointing at the TV.

"That's was a flag!" I yell, Niall, a mate from my English class, stands.

"Why the hell would Rodgers let that go?!" Louis pipes in.

"These refs are shit!" Liam announces.

All my friends from English are crowded around my TV, watching the Packer game. My hand wraps around a Pespi can and all of us watch the game, yelling whenever something doesn't go our way.

"How's the bakery?" Zayn asks at halftime, my shoulders shrugging.

"It helps pay the bills," I say, his head nodding.

I've taken up a job at the local bakery to put some extra cash in my pocket. It's fun and not a lot of people come in, which leads me to entertain the older ladies who work there. It's a blast and I love being there.

My hand removes my snapback and I fix my hair back, placing it back on. We make small talk about stats and I hear my doorbell ring, Niall slapping my shoulder. I walk to the door, my hand wrapping around the doorknob. Upon opening the door, my lips curve into a smile and I walk out, shutting the door.

"Hey Marie," I smile, her lips curving.

"Hi. This is for you," she says, handing me a CD. I take it and look at it, seeing a song written on it.

"It's the dance," she says, my head nodding.

"Thanks. Do you want to come in?" I ask, not really knowing what to do. I have her here and I want her to stay.

"Oh, no. I couldn't," she says, but I grab her forearm.

"Please. I'll tell them to behave. I want you here," I say, her eyes flickering to meet me.

"Okay," she whispers, my smile parting on my lips. She never ceases to amaze me.

I take her into my apartment and the guys turn to look at me, my lips curving. "Hey Marie," Zayn smiles, her hand waving. I have her sit beside me and I hook my arm around her shoulders.

The game goes on and I try to teach Marie what the game of football is, but even I don't really know. She just smiles and nods, attempting to understand. I'm glad she's here. When the game finishes, my friends file out and I walk back to Marie. Her eyes meet mine and I pull her off the couch.

"Do you want to do something tonight?" I ask, her shoulders shrugging.

"I have to be at the gallery....tomorrow morning, so I can't stay late," she says, my head nodding.

"That's fine. We can stay here and watch a movie," I suggest, her head nodding.

"What time do you have to be there?" I ask, sitting on the couch beside her.

"Ten. But I like to be early," she says, my head nodding. I wrap my arm around her again and she gets comfortable, her head resting on my shoulder.

"I, uh, like your hat," she says, my eyes looking down at her.

"Thank you. I like your hair like this," I say, complimenting her curls.

She blushes and I smile, leaning my head on top of hers. I flip on a sappy movie, barely paying attention. All I do is trace patterns on her hand, admiring her pale skin that contrasts her beautiful dark hair.

"Marie, I'll take you ho-" but I stop, seeing her sound asleep in my embrace. I take a moment before I smile, brushing loose tendrils of her hair away from her face.

Standing carefully, I move her into my arms and lift her into my bedroom. She is laid down on my sheets, her head lying on the pillows. I take her shoes off and pull the covers over her, allowing her to sleep. I wouldn't dare sleep beside her; no matter how much I have the urge to. Marie is a beautiful human being who shouldn't be tampered with. She's fragile and I want to make her strong.

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