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"Sleep. I can get her," I say, kissing Marie's forehead. She falls back into the sheets and I climb out of bed, walking to the little cradle in our room. I lift Rose out of the sheets and grab her blanket, carrying her into the living room. I sit on the couch and rock her lightly, kissing her forehead and allowing her to hold my finger in her hands. She's calming down and I try to get her to sleep but she keeps looking up at me.

"Rosie, sleep," I whisper, holding the little one to warm her up.

She stays up and I decide to feed her with the bottle, her eyes still open. This girl is exactly like me, unable to sleep.

I move to lay down on the couch and rest her on my chest, attempting to get her to sleep without looking at me. She fists my shirt lightly and I set the blanket over her, cradling the little one to make sure nothing happens to her. My eyes close and I sleep for a while, Marie waking me up as she kisses my forehead.

"Why were you out here all night?" she asks, taking Rose into her hands.

"She wouldn't go to sleep. I had to lay down and I fell asleep," I admit, sitting up.

"She looked quite content," she smiles, my arms wrapping around her. My lips press to hers and I smile, loving my dancer of a wife. She's so beautiful.

"I'm making breakfast," I say, walking into the kitchen. Marie follows and sits on the counter, Rose still asleep in her arms.

As I cook, Marie brushes through Rose's curls and I set a plate of waffles in between us. Marie smiles and I kiss her cheek, loving everything with her.

"I have to go in to train today," I say, her head nodding.

"I was going to stay here and watch her," Marie says, Rose's little hand now gripping her hair.

"Okay. If you go anywhere, please call me so I know where you are just incase you need me," I say, her head nodding. I'm still so very careful with her and the baby, making sure nothing happens to my girls.

"Do you need me to pick anything up from the grocery store?" she asks, my head shaking.

"We can go later because I'll probably think of something while I train," I say, her head nodding.

"Sounds good."

After breakfast, I make my way into the bedroom and change for work. Marie stays on the bed and plays with Rose, my lips smiling at the actions. I'd say we're pretty good at the parenting thing.

"I'll see you soon," I say, kissing Marie. She holds my cheek in her hand and smiles after, my lips kissing Rose's head.

"Be safe," she says, walking with me to the door.

"I will."

We share another kiss and I walk out the door, taking my car down to the gym. The training session goes quickly and I workout for a while, defining my muscles even more. I need to stay in shape for Marie; she likes my body like this. Plus I don't really want to be flabby.

When I get home, Marie is dancing in the bedroom. The baby is in the cradle and Marie effortlessly moves. She's still got all her moves.

"Looks good," I smile, her lips curving.

"Thanks," she grins. She stops and hugs me, kissing my lips lightly.

"How was work?" she asks, my lips still on hers.


I continue kissing her and she pulls away, laughing into my neck. "You're so cute," she says, my hands holding her waist.

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