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!! Warning!! This chapter gets kinda dark 

Joy's POV 2am(dreaming)

   I was at daycare. I remember having this dream a lot right after my parents died but I had gotten over it and never had this dream since. I was playing with one of the princess houses with my friends Eunha and Yerin. I knew it was coming up the worst part of my dream and all I could do was watch.The news came on and that's when I saw it the fire ,people were falling from the building and most of them were dying. Then they said that my parents had been identified and dead. 

             I got picked up a few minutes later by my grandma and we drove to her house. At first I thought that she was joking when she said my parents died. That was what I wanted to believe ,that my parents were gonna come home soon and say fooled you. I waited in the living room all night waiting for them to come but they never did. 

    A few days later the funeral was held and that would be the day I would go to the orphanage. When I looked at my parents in their caskets I couldn't hold it . That was the first time I had a panic attack. The image keeps replaying in my mind. I woke up and started to have a panic attack. 

     Jin appa woke up quickly taking the inhaler out of my bag so I can use it. "Shh take deep breaths , calm down its gonna be okay," he said rubbing my back while I was hugging him. "What happened," he asked "I-i want mama," I said about to have another panic attack. Jin started cradling me and singing butterfly. I was still crying but he got my blanket and got me a fresh bottle. He was still singing and walking around. He put me on the bed so he can set up my crib but it was in the other room so I started sobbing and shaking. He picked me up and again started cradling me while walking. I was just watching him because I was scared to have that nightmare again.

  Jin POV 

   I woke up to Joy screaming and crying. I knew she was having a panic attack so I started using her inhaler. "Shh take deep breaths, calm down its gonna be okay," I stared rubbing her back hoping that she would calm down. I asked what happened , I got caught off guard when she said " I-i want mama back," she was about to have another panic attack so I stared cradling her singing butterfly. She was still crying so I got her blanket and a fresh bottle to help her sleep. I was bouncing a bit while walking hoping she would fall asleep.

    I was about to leave to get her crib when she started sobbing and shaking. I picked her up again and cradled her closer to my chest while I walked to get her crib. She was just watching me not wanting to go to bed. "Hey princess can you try to fall asleep for appa?" I asked . She shook her head and started crying again. "Can you tell appa what your dream was about?" I questioned. " Appa why did my parents have to die," she said still crying. Then I realized her dream was probably about her parents death. "Everyone has a time to live some people shorter than others your parents happened to live shorter than everyone else," I answered. I honestly didn't know what to say so I just spoke what I felt. I grabbed her crib and walked back to the room. I put her down in her crib with a pacifier and kissed her head . I was finally able to fall asleep. I needed all the rest I could get for the tour tomorrow. 

The next morning Joy's  POV

   I didn't end up sleeping most of last night thanks to the nightmare but I still had a little nap. Appa was going to be rehearsing all day and have a concert tonight so I was gonna have to try really hard to stay up and watch appa. Jin Appa was still asleep so when Namjoon Appa came in I told him to wait a while. When Jin appa woke up I pretended to be asleep because he sometimes gets mad if I don't sleep much. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom . He laid me on the counter changing my diaper then he put me back in my crib while he took a shower and did his morning routine.All of the boys were wearing causal clothes and then changing when they got there . He changed into this:

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