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Joy's POV 6:00am

    "Good morning," Jin appa picked me up and took me to what I think was the bathroom. I just laid on his shoulder because I was still tired. I had more training with Maisey so jin put my hair in a ponytail and got me ready. Then I woke Maisey up and Jin appa put her vest on. When we were done namjoon and Jin went with me to the training room and we got started. Today was a harder because they had a lot of things blocking are way so Maisey was moving and I couldn't keep up. I fell over and hit my face hard. I felt something coming from my nose. The doctor ran to me and put this spray up my nose. The running temporarily stopped and the doctor was giving Maisey more commands. We made it through the corse in about 10 minutes. We did quite a few corses and each one got harder. 

     Once we were finished we walked back to my room. I didn't need much help from my appa's because Maisey was doing a good job. Maisey made a weird turn and walked in a different direction. 

Joy: appa were are we going 

Jin: we are going to teach you how to read but without your eyes.( Braille) 

Namjoon: it is 6 dots formed in different patterns to make letters.

    The doctor put a book under your hands. He started saying letters while tracing over the dots. Then he would put my fingers on a certain one and you said the letter. It was hard but I caught on pretty fast. It was really confusing when he took away the one letter per line and asked me to read a story. It was really hard putting the letters together and it took you quite a while to read a story that if I could read it would take around a minute. Once you were finished for the day you went with Maisey back to the room. Jungkook had followed us just Incase while Jin  appa and namjoon appa were talking to the doctor. I felt around and found one of my braille books. It was a children's book so it didn't take me long to read it . When I finished I heard clapping and walking towards me. 

Jin: Good Job maybe we can give you a harder book. You sounded very good

Joy: sounded?

Suga: you were mumbling while reading so all of us heard you talking 

Joy: oopsie wait am I gonna be homeschooled now?

Jin: well while we are on tour but when we get back you will be going to a academy in Seoul 

Joy: will I be the only blind person there

Jin: no princess  it's a school for the blind meaning everyone but the teachers are blind 

Joy: yay I can't wait

Authors note: Joy is way ahead so that's why she is going to school when she is almost 4 so yea

   I was excited because I wouldn't be the only one. Jin had me start reading longer books to him a loud. It wasn't taking long and I had read quite a few pages before are lunch came. I needed a lot of protein to heal so I had this new formula that I would have during meals and it was disgusting .

Jin POV 

     I ate a little bit of my lunch and tried to feed Joy her bottle. The boys had gone out for the day so it was me and Joy  . I held her head and tried putting the bottle in her mouth once again she still refused. 

Jin: it's not bad see I am drinking it.

      To say the least it tasted like crap. It smelled and looked rotten and I wanted to spit it out but I couldn't. Suni eyes started watering and she ran to the bathroom and ran into the door then found the handle . She slammed the door shut and I heard her crying. I walked into the bathroom to find her crying. I tried picking her up but she clung onto the sink. 

J: hey Joy I'm sorry please forgive me

Joy : I want mama

  I hugged her and she cried harder. 

Joy: now I can't see mama all I see is shadows. did mama leave ?

    She sat there crying. I picked her up and put her back in her bed . I sat behind her then put her on top. 

Joy : can you sing to me . 

  I wrapped her up and gave her a bottle of the bad stuff. She had about a fourth left and I told her I would give warm milk. Then she finished it quickly so I changed her bottle and started singing Epiphany. I rocked her slightly and she fell asleep some what fast. I read my book while she was sleeping. Her eyes were watering and she was shaking slightly. I put her close to my chest and started singing the couris again but softer in her ear. She cuddled her head in my chest and her breathing slowed . The boys walked in with Jungkook chasing Taehyung. 

Jin: shh she just fell asleep 

Jimin : aww I wanna hold her

     I tried giving her to Jimin she held onto my shirt with a tight grip. "Jin appa  don't leave I need you I'm sorry please I don't wanna go back to the orphanage, I know I can do better please Appa I need you . I am so sorry but please don't leave I don't wanna be alone again," she said choking on her sobs. "Please you said you wouldn't leave me you mean so much please don't leave. I need you , i love you appa," she said sobbing her eyes out. She clung onto me and wouldn't let go. "Please appa I don't wanna go there Ms. Nancy will hurt me. I know I am a horrible daughter but you feel like my real dad and I don't wanna live if your not my dad ,"

        She hugged me and buried her face into my chest. I rocked her and fed her a new bottle . She drooled a bit so I used her cloth and wiped her slobber. The boys and I were talking about her when the doctor asked if we could run a few vision tests . I woke her up and brushed her hair. Namjoon got Maisey ready and we went to the room.

Joy's POV

    Maisey walked a different way than usual. The light was a bit brighter in this room . Jin appa sat me down in this chair and this thing touched my eyes . A bright light tuned on and I moved my face. Jin appa held my face and told me to stay still. The light flashed a few times then they moved me to lay down. My appa's held me down while the doctor put his tools really close to my eyes. He held my blue eye open and I started crying. He had this tool touching my eye and it was scary. 

  After a while the doctor let me sit up and he started talking about my eyes . He said that something had damaged my optic nerve and that my brain wasn't working with with my eye. The doctor said that I most likely won't be able to see again. I sat on the floor and played with Maisey. She wagged her tail and moved her foot when I rubbed behind her ear. I kept on rubbing and she accidentally scratched me. It didn't hurt that bad because she just scratched my arm. One of my appa's walked over to me. Maisey got up on command and I guessed it was tae Appa because his voice was deep. 

Taehyung: Maisey this way

     Maisey turned to a way I haven't gone before. Tae Appa opened a door then I felt a gush of wind. I heard Jungkook and Jimin appa joining us while Maisey lead me up a path. Then Maisey went over to something. I could tell that there was another dog nearby because Maisey barked. 

Joy: Hello 


   Teehee who could this be. Anyways I have been sick for the past few days so I couldn't upload another part . I hope you enjoyed. Word count (1404)

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