Chapter 12

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Rosé Pov
It was 8:30 pm and we were all in the living room watching a movie. An hour passed and we started to hear noises. Wheein.

Lisa: *laughing* She's moaning load

Jin: *laughing* Omg, that's so funny

We all start laughing at the noises we're hearing. We can't stop it and ten minutes later we stop. She is still moaning.

RM: We should go listen more closely

Jennie: Ew, shut up, but I am curious

Rosé: Don't make any noise, lets go

We all silently go upstairs to the room they're in. We stand there and start listening.
End of Pov
Tae Pov
Wheein and I were doing it. We started and she's not even good. She can't control herself and won't stop moaning. She's loud as a freaking elephant.

Wheein: *moans* Oh, Tae, faster, your so good at it

Tae: *groans* Shut up! Your so loud!

I start thrusting faster and she won't keep quiet. I regret doing it with her now. I stop and take out. She stares at me confused.

Wheein: What's wrong?

Tae: Nothing, I don't want to do it anymore

Wheein: Are you sure? I thought you were enjoying it, you were groaning

Tae: I was, *mind* Not
End of Pov
Rosé Pov
We hear Tae say he doesn't want to anymore and they start laughing. Geez, they are so stupid.

Rosé: *whispers* Yah! Shut up, he'll hear us

Lisa: Sorry, I've never heard him say that with any girl he fucks with

They start laughing again and this time the door opens revealing Tae and Wheein looking at us. They are shocked and confused. I get up and look at them trying not to laugh but I can't anymore. I start laughing and now the 10 of us are rolling around laughing like crazy people.

Tae: Yah! Why are you guys laughing!

Wheein: And were you spying on us while fucking!?

We all stop laughing and get up. We loo at them smirking. Trying not to laugh.

Lisa: Has anyone ever told you... your horrible at fucking men, you can't even make a man feel good

Wheein: Shut up you bitch! I bet you've never fucked anyone yourself!

Lisa: I have and lots but I know someone here has fucked mostly all the boys in the world and can make them feel in heaven! More than you think!

Wheein: Oh yeah! And who is that someone!

Lisa: Rosé, your cousin Rosé

Rosé: Why are you dragging me into this? I have nothing to do with this! That's Taehyung and Wheein's problem, not mine!

Lisa: Can you just tell her already, please your my best friend!

Rosé: Fine, yes she has fucked a lot of boys and yes I make boys feel like they're in heaven, there

Wheein: Really? So your a prostitute? No wonder

Rosé: Yeah, well no, you see, I'm not as horny as some people here, the first day they meet, they fuck, like wtf that's not me, at least I dong run along to a boy and randomly start flirting, I give boys time, at least I have some dignity while you... actually now that I think of it, your nothing Wheein, so don't get me started about me being the prostitute, because clearly the real prostitute is right infront of my beautiful face!!

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