Chapter 22

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Rosé Pov
Four months have passed and we are all still living together. We could never leave each other's sides. It was 11:11 pm and we were sleeping. Suddenly I start feeling a string shock of pain. I quickly sit up and I can't. It's so strong. I start to scream in pain. Taehyung instantly gets up.

Tae: Baby, what's wrong?

I can't speak cause the pain is so strong. I keep screaming suddenly the door flies open. The girls run to me while the boys don't know what to do.

Jisoo: Start the cars! Taehyung get the babies bag! She's having contractions!

Tae: What does that mean!?

Taehyung is scared and doesn't know what to do. Lisa instead gets the bag while the boys go start the cars.

Lisa: What she means is, SHES ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH!!

Taehyung gasps and grabs the bag from her. He picks me up bridal style. He quickly runs to the car and seats me down carefully.

Jennie: We will all go in the van while Jisoo and Jin will go with Taehyung and Rosé.

Jin and Jisoo quickly get inside the back and close the door. Taehyung instantly starts driving wants the door stops. He's driving so fast I don't realize we had already gotten there.

Jin: Doctors! We need a doctor!

The doctors come when they hear me screaming. The get me in a room fast. They check me.

Jimin: What's wrong?

Doctor: The baby is very strong, she wants to come out but it's very dangerous since the contractions are to painful for the mother

Suga: Is there something we can do?

Doctor: There is but that requires you ten

They all nod and the doctor starts explaining to them what they have to do.

Doctor: I need you four girls to calm her down, and then you boys make sure that she doesn't get hurt

They all agree and I start screaming more. They are all scared but they do it still. The girls start trying to calm me down.

Jennie: Rosie! Please! Calm down!


I can't help the pain. I can't calm down. The boys then come help the girls.

Jimin: Sis! Calm down! We're here!

J-Hope: We need you to control yourself for the baby! And your safety!

The doctor then comes in. The nurses start disarming my bed so they can take me to another room.

Doctor: Who's going in? The baby needs to come out or it will kill her!

Jungkook: Can we all enter?

Doctor: Of course, but you guys will be next to her while the girls can watch the labor

They nod and the bed starts moving. Suddenly, my water breaks. I start screaming louder and done doctors faster. We arrive and they all put their gloves and caps on.

Doctor: Here we go! PUSH!

I start pushing and screaming. It hurts so much. Taehyung grabs my hand tightly.

Tae: You can do this Rosé!

Doctor: PUSH!

I start to push harder and more painful. I can't believe I'm actually giving birth. I push harder and I start feeling less pain.

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