Chapter 20

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Rosé Pov
Two weeks have passed and I feel like dying. I've been having nausea but don't like, a lot of cravings, cramps, dizziness, and mood swings. It's been going horrible and the girls are taking care of me. The doctor doesn't have the results yet. I don't dare tell Taehyung since he's been busy working at the company. The girls tell me to tell him but I don't. They promised me not to tell him since I forced them. I go downstairs since it's still 4:37 pm.

Jennie: Rosie, we need to talk

Rosé: Yeah, sure

I sit down and the girls sit infront of me. They hesitate but are excited also which makes me confused.

Jisoo: We've noticed you've changed, your always dizzy or nauseous

Rosé: Yeah and?

Lisa: When was the last time you and Tae had sex?

Rosé: Like a month ago, why?

Jennie: Rosie, are you pre-

Before she can continue my phone rings. It's the doctor. Finally, it's time she calls.

Rosé: Hello

Doctor: Hi, we got your results so can you come to my office so I can tell you

Rosé: Yeah, of course, I'll be there in twenty

She hangs up and I get up. I put on my shoes and get my keys.

Rosé: We'll talk later, the doctor got the results

Jisoo: But-

Rosé: Later, bye

I smile at them then leave. I start driving to the doctors office.
End of Pov

Lisa Pov
She closes the door and we grin at each other. We're so excited.

Jennie: She's about to find out!

Lisa: I'm going to be an aunt!

Jennie: Yes! She's having the first baby of the four of us, I can't believe it

Jisoo: And I thought it was going to be me, I can't believe we just noticed

Lisa: If it weren't for me who looked it up, I was curious and it showed up

We laugh and sit down. We start talking about what it's going to be and how Rosé's reaction might be. I guess my brother was very horny that night and forgot to use a condom. Stupid.
End of Pov

Rosé Pov
I go inside and sit down. The doctor comes in. She's checks me then hands me a envelope.

Doctor: Those are your results, congratulations

I look at her confused and she just chuckles. She makes me open the letter. I start reading it. OMG!

Rosé: I'm pregnant!?

Doctor: Yep, a month, your body was very hard to examine since you had the baby

Rosé: I can't believe it!?

Doctor: Your lucky, your at the right age, I've met 15 year olds who were pregnant, and you're twenty

Rosé: I'm shook, I never expected a baby

Doctor: Shocking but you should be happy, a baby's a blessing, now go home

She smiles and I can't believe it. I'm pregnant. I go to my car.

Rosé: I'm pregnant!

I'm so happy but I stop when I remember Taehyung. What if he doesn't want to have a baby. What if he rejects. What will I do? Should I tell him?

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