Insecure Lover // 17:23pm

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I know you told me
I should have faith in you
You told me you will never leave
I know I should anchor myself like a ship
To your promises
And believe

I know I shouldn't doubt your whereabouts
But I can't help but to be fidgety
I don't mean to annoy you with my questions
Some days I do hope that
You would leave

Cos I am tired of myself
Overthinking bout your well-being
What could you be doing
Behind me
Cos I am scared of another lover
leaving before it's meant to be over
Before we kiss the ground
And be held by gravity

Why am I such an
Insecure lover
I didn't mean to be one
Why can't I hold on to you words
Just a little bit stronger
The same way as you're
holding my pieces together

You comfort me with your letters
Telling me things will get better
Devotion and flowers for me
And a promise
of happily ever after

Why am I such an
Insecure lover
Baby I'm sorry


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