The one where you meet Caleb

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It was around 5 when River left and I thought that I would spend some quality time with my bed watching Netflix and eating some ice cream because who needs to be productive when you can procrastinate. Am I right, or am I right? I heard footsteps right outside my door. Whoever the were they seemed pretty stressed; I mean they kept pacing left and right. Slowly, I got off my bed and tip-toed to my door. '3..2..1.' I whispered to my self and then I pulled open my door. I must have looked like a fish, with my mouth wide open and my eyes going huge.                                             
'Hey,' he sheepishly said and gave a timid wave.
'Caleb?'                                                                                                                                                                                       'Have I changed that much in the span of 9 months?'                                                                                            'Nah you still have  most hideous face I've ever seen' I couldn't contain my smile as I hugged my him. You see, Caleb's my older brother. I haven't  seen him in almost a year because he joined Lawyers Without Borders ( A/Nit's a  not-for-profit that manages volunteering lawyers from around the world who donate pro bono service to rule of law projects, capacity building and access to justice initiatives all over the world ) and he was sent to the Middle East.                             
'Sis.. I love you but i can't breathe. Please let go of me!' As he said that I squeezed him tighter.       
'This is what you get for leaving me for a year, pabo'                                                                                          'I'm sorry'                                                                                                                                                                                   'Sorry isn't gonna cut big bro'                                                                                                                                           'I'll buy you food!'                                                                                                                                                                  'And?'                                                                                                                                                                                           'And I'll wash your bike every week for two months?'                                                                                          'Pleasure doing business with ya Caleb' I smirked as I let him out of my death grip.                               'By the way, what are you even doing here? I thought you were supposed to come back in another six months?'                                                                                                                                                            'I  sent my cv off to Cleary Gottlieb ( A/N its a huge law firm that's based in NYC) and they said that they would love to have me, I start on Monday'                                                                                              'I'm proud of you, dingus. You deserve the job.'                                                                                                       He sarcastically rolled his eyes and said' Thanks sis. Now what's up with you, other than the fact that you like someone?'                                                                                                                                                      I let out a nervous laugh at his word, 'Pshhht. Me! Have a crush? Nah, I don't have enough time for that.'                                                                                                                                                                                     'You don't have to tell me who it is but when you're ready to I'm all ears.'                                                'Thanks you' I said as I gave him a hug. I've always been closer to Caleb than the others and he always knows things without me even telling him. I love them all so much, but Caleb and I are the closest. Except from River, he's the only one that know about the nightmares that I've had every night since I was 5. He was the first person I came out to as Bi and he never once judged me or made me feel like I didn't belong in our family. Caleb's the only person that knows about my ED and about my body dysmorphia.                                                                                          'C'mon, I'm hungry. Let's go annoy eomma till she gives us cookies.'                  I started sprinting down the stairs  and hugged my mum from the back,once Caleb got to the cookies he'd eat them all leaving none for me- that's why I got down here so fast.                                  'Aishhha! Stop running down the stairs you're gonna hurt yourself one day and I'm just gonna laugh at you whilst you stay on the floor crying your eyes out because you broke you arm' Ladies and gentleman, this woman is my loving mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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