Chapter 10: Scared

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Kiara's POV:
Greg's parents and grandma left the town the very next day after his murder. His grandma kept rambling something that sounded like: "He's back. He's back. He's back and he's doing it again!"
Of course, no had a freaking clue what she was mumbling about. Honestly, I did feel sorry for his parents. His mom emotionlessly stared into space as her husband, whose tears still hadn't dried out, had to half drag her out of the house and get her into the car.
The police were kinda miffed at them for not letting them investigate and catch the murderer.
Who were they kidding? They had blamed it on wild animals for God's sake! Anyway, they warned the people of Oakwood to be careful and all, blah blah.
As for me, my mind was still stuck on my mystery savior, Zorraine.
My God, he was SO gorgeous! Almost as gorgeous as Cassian. And his last comment still ran around in my head, "I hope we meet again, in more intimate conditions."
What is it with this town and hot guys popping up all the damn time?
He seemed just a couple of years older than me. Maybe, he was gonna join Oakwood High!
Damn, I'm hoping for a guy I just met to join my school. Could I be any more pathetic?
Yesterday's psycho chase still bugged me. Who was that guy? Why was he following me? What did he want?
A scary thought occurred to me. What if it was Greg's murderer who wanted me to be his next butcher- project?
If that was the case, I seriously owed Zorraine big time....
The next day at school, I decided to tell Curly about the psycho pursuer and my gorgeous rescuer.
I told her at lunch break as she listened wide eyed and open mouthed, her veggie pot pie gone cold.
After I finished, she had a shocked expression on her face, "Oh my god, Kiara! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Are you okay?"
I smirked, "I'm touched by your concern, Curly. You do care for me don't you? And yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to Zorraine."
She suddenly looked very uneasy, "Are you- um- attracted to.... Zorraine?"
I stared at her incredulously, "Of course I am! That guy is freaking gorgeous! I'm only human. Any normal human would be attracted to him."
She fiddled with her spoon nervously. I narrowed my eyes at her. What is she so afraid of?
"I just... think you should steer clear of him. He- he might not be what, and who you think he is."
I looked at her even more suspiciously, "What is it with you and being nervous today? I mean, you're always nervous, but this is different kind of nervous. Almost scared nervous."
She sank a little lower into her seat, "What I mean to say is, didn't you, you know, have the hots for Cassian Montez?"
I thought about it, "Yeah, I guess. Why, what's wrong with me liking both guys? They're not exactly brothers are they, that they're gonna be jealous of each other and fight over me or something?"
Curly did something very strange. She did something like a twitch and a shudder. Her expression grew more scared by the second. To my confusion, she glanced in the direction of Cassian, who was sitting at the end of the cafeteria, next to the window, alone as usual.
He was facing us, but his eyes were intently focused on the salt shaker in front of him, on the table. I noticed, with a bit of a shock, that the salt shaker was broken.
Did he break it?
What the....
He had his hot sinister look on his face which made me wish he was looking at me like that. He slowly looked up in our direction.......
She started to shake slightly which alarmed me greatly, "Curly! Curly, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
She had gone deadly pale and her eyes were filled with a fear of God alone knows what.
I was just about to get help when she suddenly snapped out of it, grabbed her schoolbag and started to leave the cafeteria.
Puzzled, I followed after her, "Hey! You don't just get convulsions and walk away as though you didn't just worry the hell out of me!"
She stopped and turned to me, "Kiara, I'm  fine. I just have these fits when I'm startled. I'll be fine if I get some rest at home. So, if you don't mind.....?"
I shook my head slowly and watched her leave, only one question in my mind.
What was it that scared her so much?

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