Billy Andrews

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"Come on Billy, seriously" I groan as I look over at the boy "We are meant to be studying and you haven't even done anything yet. We have a test tomorrow"

"I've been studying" Billy replies with a smirk on his face 

"Really, what? How to have the messiest room in history" I laugh and continue to write notes down in my book for the science exam that we have tomorrow 

"Actually, I've been studying you" He replies and my head shoots up to look at him and a deep red goes over my cheeks and I look down to hide the fact that I was blushing at what he had said

"You're so cheesy" I laugh and look back up at him

"yeah but you love it" he laughs and then slams his book shut "Do we have to do this, let's go out and do something"

"Like what Bill" I sigh and then eventually end up closing my book too, having enough of studying even though I know that I shouldn't be stopping just yet

he grabs my hand and pulls me up off the bed and then begins to gently tug me out of the house "come on let go explore"

i shiver when he opens and the cool air hits me in the face, i feel billy grab my hand and intertwine our fingers together before pulling me out of the house and down the driveway. Large footprints are left in the snow as we trudge through it over to the large hill next to billys house.

"Lets snowboard down the hill," he says and pulls me over to a sleigh and then we both sit down on it 

shivers raced through me as his strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and he places his chin on my shoulder "ready," he asks and I nod my head and all of the sudden the sleigh started moving and we were racing down the hill. Large cheers could be heard from the two of us as the cool air hit us in the face

The sleigh came to a stop and we got off and I stood up to stretch my legs when all of the sudden a snowball hits me in the back of the head and a large gasp escapes my mouth and then a chuckle comes out.

I turn around to face billy and he is wearing a giant smirk on his face and has another snowball in his hand.

"don't. you. dare" I growl but then I am hit with the snowball. "Oh it is on" I smirk and I quickly bent down and grabbed a pile of snow in my hand and threw it at billy 

snowballs went back and forth between us as we break out into a full-on snowball fight 

he runs up behind me and throws snow down the back of my shirt and I completely freeze and pout at him "that's not fair"

"don't be a sore loser princess," Billy laughs and then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder

"put me down billy"

"Nope, we're going home and we are gonna cuddle until you warm up"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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