Chapter One

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•Skylar's POV•

God, I have never been on a plane ride as long as that. Actually, I have never been on a plane at all. The food was crap, the layover was crap (I mean it was in London but I was jet lagged and crabby), and sleeping was crap. Now we have to wait for all of our belongings to get to our new house.

I mean I can't lie living in Sydney is probably going to be amazing, however, I'm just not in the right place of mind right now. To be fair, I did find out I was moving literally only TWO DAYS before I actually moved. A little hectic am I right.

Also, not going to lie, I HATE the beach. Of course the house we live in now is right next to the water. It's a really beautiful house, and I have no idea how we are able to afford it honestly. The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, there's a patio in the back, there's huge windows in the living room and kitchen, and overall it's very sleek and modern looking with mainly white walls.

I sat down on the grey hardwood floor of my bedroom, grabbed my bag, got out my laptop, and Skyped Emily and Cassie.

They didn't pick up.

I stared at my computer with disbelief because they always pick up no matter what. And then I realized that time zones were a thing. Wow I'm so dumb.

It was 6:23pm here, so I looked up the time in Wisconsin and realized that it's 1:23am there.

Alrighty then.

I closed my laptop and stared at it for a while. I got up. School starts in a month. What am I going to do for an ENTIRE month with no friends or anything here.

Welcome to me being depressed as shit.


(The next day)

I woke up today surprisingly in a good mood. My mom asked me to come grocery shopping with her. She probably only did it because she could see the gloominess in my eyes. Our relationship has never been the greatest so it definitely was a surprise. Don't get me wrong I love my mom and we basically look the same, but our personalities are completely different.

We both have dirty blonde curly hair, big brown eyes (on a side note one of my eyes is hazel so I guess we aren't EXACTLY the same), and we're both 5'7" with a pretty thin frame. The only thing I obtained from my dad is my huge nose. Okay it's not huge huge, but my mom's nose is pretty small and cute.

My mom is suuuuuper controlling and doesn't really let me do anything or think for myself. She's also conservative and just really angry at the world. I, on the other hand, am liberal and free going. I could really care less what people think of me and my personality.

Okay anyway, we're at the store right, and as I'm looking at the plethora of different kinds of apples, I turn around and see this really cute guy. He was probably like 6'2," had blonde hair, and had a lip piercing that suited him surprisingly well. Of course my mom saw that I was staring at this man and basically drooling, so I watch her go up to him. Automatically I panic because I know she's about to embarrass me. I feverishly look through the apples now trying to act normal when I look up and see her pointing at me now. Oh my god. On to the oranges!

She comes back probably around a minute later, and she hands me a piece of paper. She looks at me, smiles, and tells me to unfold it. I do as she says and BOOM there's his phone number.

"What the fuck, mom?" I softly yell at her.

"I noticed you staring, Skylar, and how could I sit there and not help my daughter get her first friend?" She asks and winks at me.

"God! You're annoying." I stated as I picked out a few oranges.

We get out of the store and pay. On the way home in the car, I stare at the sheet of paper. I get out my phone and plug in his number. Hm maybe I should text him.


Lmao thank you to whoever reads/comments/likes this! I was bored and it's been a while. Like a few years lolololol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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