Chapter 4

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As she walked inside, Ailbe took a deep breath for the lecture she knew was soon to come

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As she walked inside, Ailbe took a deep breath for the lecture she knew was soon to come. Brian ran ahead to join his mother, who smiled when she saw her older sister enter, and Ailbe slowly walked towards the voices in the room.

"Ailbe," Her mother's voice made her stop in her tracks. "Ivar was just telling me about how brave you were in England." Her words made Ailbe's face contort into a look of pure confusion.

"Sister, we're so proud of you." Evan's voice caught up to Ailbe. She took a seat beside Ivar, clearly utterly lost as to what they were referring to.

The rarity of her mother's compliments was so rare that she was unsure how to react. She was, however, certain that Ivar had been lying to them for her and she wasn't exactly certain whether to kill him or kiss him for it.

"I was just telling your mother how you brought the man who killed your father to us." Ivar answered her expression calmly, as though he was used to lying to everyone - which she didn't doubt he was. Despite the fact she couldn't see where she was looking, Ivar was certain that she was glaring right at him in a manner that told him he should probably bring a knife to bed with him - although, he always did that anyways so that was nothing new.

"Is that all you were telling my mother?" She asked, with a hinting tone that seemed to tell her everything she needed to know.

"What do you mean, darling?" Her mother questioned, looking between them warily. She prayed to all the Gods that the old witches predictions were false, that it hadn't happened yet and that she was not yet too late.

She couldn't be a queen yet, could she? Surely she would achieve fame from her bravery in England, but could it really be enough to outshine her own mother?

Both Ailbe and Ivar sat having a silent conversation by hitting eachother under the table, a conversation with increasing exasperation on Ailbe's side. But before either of them could come to a conclusion and say something, Brian had already spoken.

"Ailbe is going to live away!" He cheered, making everyone in the room stare at him.

"What?" Her mother and sister gasped in unison.

"What?" She retorted to them, a little sheepishly.

"Live away where?" Eavann asked before their mother had chance.

"She's going to live with-" Before Brian could complete his sentence, Ailbe had out her hand over his mouth to silence him, a dark blush spreading over her cheeks.

"This wasn't exactly how I planned to tell you..." She sighed.

"Tell us what?" Her mother spoke more firmly, making Ivar tense slightly beside her. Ailbe put her hand on his, assuring him that all was well.

"Ivar and I are to be married." She spoke firmly, making her mother's heart sink into depths of despair.

"You'll be Queen?" Her mother spoke, more to herself than anyone else. She looked pale, as if she'd seen a ghost, and her expression contorted into almost a look of pain. Of course, none of this went unnoticed by Ivar, and he couldn't help but grin at the old woman's reaction.

"In Kattegat." He answered, never removing eye contact from the old queen.

Ailbe felt the tension in the room, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she waited for her mother's reaction. Part of her just wanted to run away, the part of her that was still the little girl who'd run out onto the moorland to escape her bullies and sing with the wind. But a new part of her had grown. A part that was sick of running. A part that finally wanted to stand up and be taken seriously.

A peaceful life never left one with respect or glory. And she wasn't sure why, but part of her had begun to think of such things. Never before had such thoughts crossed her mind. All she'd ever wanted was to help people. So what had changed her?

"My dear," Her mother faked a caring tone as she glanced warily between her gentle daughter and the ruthless warlord she was marrying. "Are you sure that you have it in you to lead? You've always been so quiet and-"

"Blind?" Ailbe guessed. "Too blind to marry Ivar?"

"Well-" Her mother tried again

But Ailbe cared little for her words. She was used to it now and knew what was coming. No more. She'd be pushed around no more. "Well nothing mother. Either accept it or don't, I care little for your choice. The truth is that we all know you are too week to lead our people, that you're too incapable. And what excuse do you have, hm? Well I may be blind, mother, but I am not weak. Nor do I need to follow your orders any longer." Her voice was calm and yet commanding, striking shock into everyone in the room. She turned to Ivar with a gentle smile and walked to the door again.

He couldn't help but laugh at her mother's stunned expression, holding himself up with his crutch as he limped outside. When he saw her, he could see a fire in her vacant eyes that made a small smirk pull up his lips. Though her temper was rare, it was enjoyable.

"You were like a Viking in there." He grinned, wrapping his free arm around her.

She smiled, enjoying the warmth that he provided in the early winter air. "Not a Viking." She answered with a smirk of her own, pride on her features. "I'm a Celt."

Hey y'all, so last episode was crazy right!!!!
(I'm kind of shipping Amma and Hvitserk though)
Anyway love y'all and thanks for supporting this book so far xx

Also be sure to follow my irl bestie DeanWinch3st3r because she's awesome af.

See y'all in the next chapterrrrrrr


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